"...man cannot know higher beings than his own progenitors...Nor shall he worship them, but he ought to learn how he came into the world" - Blavatsky.
According to Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, 1888), this is the ancient Tibetan version of Creation that occurred millennias ago.
In order for this to be comprehendible, we have to think of the existence of life forms in cycles.
Lucifer (“the One Eye" – Stanza 1”) created ‘The Seven’ - (Dhyani's), and gave instruction to them to come to Earth and create. This was not a desolate land as the Earth had evolved from its previous cycle, and as such there were ‘Water-men’ (men with fish bodies), goat-men and dog-headed men. The Dhyani came to Earth and saw these ‘creatures’ in which they were to incarnate and were displeased. They fought with these creatures and a deluge swept across the Earth destroying these ‘creatures’.
(Stanza 1 & 2).
The Dhyani's (Dhyan Chohans) were then called '*The Lords of the Flame' and The Lords of the Moon of the Airy Bodies - (spirit beings sent to incarnate into what was mankind of that era). However, The Lords of the Flame refused to incarnate into mankind at that time as mankinds consciousness was not ready. The Lords of the Moon however (7 in total), came and took up their own lot/land.
(Stanza 3).
Each 'Lord' projected a copy of themselves from out of their own body (**The Chhaya’s). But this was only a shadow that could not produce a being with bones. The Lords of the Moon called for help from their ‘Earth Fire’, who called to ‘The Solar Fire’ - The Sun. The three combined were able to produce a ‘Rupa’ that could stand, walk, run, recline or fly. But it was still a Chhaya - a shadow without consciousness. Thus were they called The Sons of Yoga, (The Children of the Lords of the Moon and Sun).
(Stanza 4).
The Sons of Yoga produced ‘The Lanoo’ who were A-sexual (they re-produced by themselves). Eventually, when their bodies became old, The Lanoo were absorbed by their newer selves.
(Stanza 5).
When The Lanoo evolved, they became the ‘sweat-born’ who were originally male and female in one (Intersex). However this generation eventually split into males and females and produced 'The Egg-born’ who had bones.
(Stanza 6).
Then The Lords who were ready for re-birth came and saw the form of 'The Egg-born’ but were not pleased. As such, some chose to incarnate into The First Root Race – The Chhayas. Some gave 'The Egg-born’ a spark, and some chose to defer their incarnation until the Fourth Root Race.
Those who had their own Rupa (that could stand, walk, run, recline or fly) they filled with sexual desire (The Kama) and became Arhats (kings, teachers). Others remained ‘mindless’ and were set apart from ‘The Seven Lords of The Moon’.
Then came The Lords of the Flame and of The Dark Wisdom who chose then to create. Their creations became The Sons of Will and Yoga.
(Stanza 7).
From the previous cycle and The Earth’s residue were the animals produced and began to breed.
Man who was ‘A-sexual’ decided to separate into Inter-sex beings again (male and female in one) and pro-create as well.
Those who did not get a ‘spark’ did not receive any knowledge and as such decided to re-produce with the female animals creating mute ‘monsters’ who were crooked in form, walked on all fours and were covered in red-hair.
(Stanza 8).
Seeing this, The Lha’s who produced ‘The Fourth Root Race’ cried out that their future abodes in which they were to incarnate into had been defiled. They therefore chose to incarnate into the bodies of those that had not been ‘defiled’ and gave them a mind so that they saw it was a ‘sin’ to produce with an animal. This root race developed speech.
The remaining root races and animals, creatures etc, that were still as one (male and female), then divided.
(Stanza 9).
As a result, in each of the seven zones, a pair (one male and one female) gave birth to The 4th Root Race: -
Zone 1 Moon-coloured people
Zone 2 Yellow people
Zone 3 Red people
Zone 4 Brown people
The first humans of each zone were all of one complexion, then the next seven began mixing. The next two generations following this became filled with pride declaring that they were kings and gods. They took wives that were pleasing to their eyes, wives from ‘the mindless’ of the 3rd Root Race and bred monsters, demons, male and female, and ‘khado’ - “mindless, naked, elemental female beings with green or red eyes but sporadically they will appear as an old woman. The symbol of primordial spontaneity, they operate only by their animal-like instincts, seeking out holy men in meditation to disturb them by causing flashes of inspiration and spontaneity)”. (Bane, 1969).
These generations also built temples for the human body and began to worship other men and women. Then their 3rd eye no longer worked. (Stanza 10).
They built huge cities out of rare earths and metals and carved their own images in the mountains and out of rock and stone and worshipped them. They built images that were the size of their own bodies (nine yatis high).
Although the previous Earth (cycle) was destroyed by fire, water threatened this cycle.
The waters came and destroyed the seven great islands. All who were holy were saved.
The unholy were not and were destroyed along with most of the huge animals.
(Stanza 11).
Few remained. Some yellow, some brown and black, and some red remained. The moon-coloured were gone for ever. The Fifth Root Race remained - produced from the holy ones who survived. They were ruled over by the first Divine-Kings - The Serpents who re-descended, and who made peace with the Fifth Root Race, who taught and instructed them.
(Stanza 12).
*The Lords of the Flame - The Flames are a Hierarchy of Spirits parallel to, if not identical with, the "burning" fiery Saraph (Seraphim) mentioned by Isaiah (vi. 20-6), those who attend, according to Hebrew Theogony, "the Throne of the Almighty." Melha is the Lord of the "Flames. When he appears on Earth, he assumes the personality of a Buddha, says a popular legend. He is one of the most ancient and revered Lhas a Buddhist St Michael". (Stanza 2).
In theory, this Creation would therefore have taken millions if not billions of years of evolution. "Creation starts at the beginning or dawn of every day of the day of the Creator that lasts for 432 crore (4.32 billion years and known as a 'kalpa') and ends at dusk and the entire night-time which lasts for another 4.32 billion years as rest-time. The Period of 4.32 billion years is again divided into 14 ‘manvantars’ each lasting 308 million years or so. And then there are four cyclic-eons known as ‘yugas’ at the end of which there are massive catastrophes that lead to destruction. At the end of every 4.32 billion years there is deadly drought followed by relentless rain and global-level flooding and complete destruction and death of all forms of life. At dawn Creation is again resumed, but after 100 such ‘Brahma or Creator-years’ (8.64 x 100 billion years) all the planets of the lower three ‘worlds’ with their countless planets, satellites and stars would all be destroyed after 100 years of drought and fire followed by 100 years of relentless rain and all the atoms of the worlds blowing up and everything reverting back to their original form being ‘Nada Bindu’ - (‘will’ and ‘action’ Joshi, 2007), (Hariramsait, 2016).
According to the above Theosophy Creation, Adam and Eve would have been evicted from Eden walking into a community where there were 6 other species of humanoids made by The Seven. This would give an explanation of Cain’s concern when lord god cursed him to be “a fugitive and a vagabond” for killing his brother Abel. Cain stated, “...those who shall see me shall slay me”.
Jasher, 2:17, "And Lamech, the son of Methusael, became related to Cainan by marriage". So the bloodlines mingled from that point onwards.
Is there any numerological value to the age of death for Enoch, Methusalah and Lamech?
Final thought on the theory of Theosophy? I am not an angel incarnate.
Between Adam and Noah via Seth: -
Enoch - Died aged 365 - Days of the Year?
Methusalah - Known Oldest Human Died aged 969
Between Adam and Noah via Cain: -
Lamech - Died aged 777 - 'Thelema?'