Enoch was the great, great, great, great grandson of Adam through the lineage of Seth. He did not live the lifestyle of his community, he kept himself away from 'the maddening crowd' by choosing to live on Mount Moriah. He spent the majority of his life (365 years) with The Watchers and 'walked with god'. He was shown what he believed to be the workings of the heavens and 'the throne of lord god'. He wrote this information down and these writings are now known as 'The Book of Enoch'.
Enoch was a scribe for The Arch-angels and The Watchers, and a mediator between them and mankind. It is around this time in mankinds history that 'the great conspiracy' was constructed. Enoch was most likely the only person on the planet who could write for The Anunnaki so he got a twisted version of events of the goings on in Eden including Creation which he wrote down for future generations.
When we consider who The Tree of Life was, one begins to realise why (according to Enoch) it still exists in 'A-nu's heavens and A-nu's earth'. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was also there. Why? It is because the 'cycle of life - set up' is to re-commence after the so-called Battle of Armageddon prophesied in The Book of Revelation. Subsequently, this will be Zombie Apocalypse. Metaphoriclly speaking, whosoever looks into the truth becomes the new 'Eve', and the 'cycle of life set-up' continues all over again!
When we read The Book of Enoch it also gives an insight into what we originally believed to be the heavens and the throne of The Creator of All/ The Ultimate Power. This is not the case. Enoch was shown a fake 2.0 version of The Ultimate Power's heavens. He never actually left 3D.
Enoch was playing scribe to The Watchers, he was also documenting instructions to his off-spring to be given to their off-spring and so on and so on. These instructions were passed on to Noah. Other information relating to 'The Great Secret', Astronomy/Demonology/Craft etc. were left in the vault as per the above information, and King David and Solomon were guided to it. How else was Solomon controlling demons with a ring?
Initially, the 'brotherhood' started with 'Satan being The Great Architect of The Universe', a promise of death and destruction to those who were 'un-righteous' in Satan's sight, and then if that wasn't enough to convert someone to believing Satan was the one true god, the memories of The Ultimate Power and the origin and existence of the inner souls of men was eradicated, so there was no other hope.
The practises of The Snake Brotherhood weren't 'lost' on Enoch's death, they were taken aboard The Ark with Noah, and continued as soon as Noah and his family left The Ark with the animal sacrifices to Lord God. But what the major catch is here, is that with Enki's decision to show Eve The Tree of Life, and tell Noah about the flood, Enki became the 'black sheep' of The Anunnaki. This worked out well for Satan/Anu/god, as Enki became the deceptive serpent (Satan/Devil), placing his father Anu (Satan/god) in the limelight as the 'hero' and 'true god' for humans who had saved their species from the destruction of The Nephilim with the great flood.
In Ancient Egypt, after the flood, Thoth - The Ancient Egyptian god of Wisdom and Knowledge appeared. "Thoth was credited with the creation of a number of branches of knowledge (law, magic, philosophy, religion, science, and writing) he was thought to be an infallible judge capable of rendering completely just decisions". (Mark, J. 2016). Thoth then went forth to teach the practices and secrets of The Brotherhood to the Egyptians. So either there were two tall white males running around the planet in costume with mental health issues and an advanced knowledge of the sciences etc. or these two were culturally linked.
The Serpent/Snake
The 'Tree of Life', and the serpent/snake, are both prominent features in Egypt. The first image on the left below shows Ramses II kneeling in the centre with Thoth (on the left). Thoth is writing of Ramses' access to The Tree of Life. The fruit is in Ramses' hand. Ramses is facing the goddess Sekhmet who does not seem accepting of what he has to offer.
The second image, taken at Karnak Temple (Oct 2017) shows Ramses II kneeling in the centre at the feet of Atum (on the left side), and possibly Thoth on the right. The Tree of Life is again seen behind Ramses II who is receiving something from Atum. The Ankh (breath of life) is a prominent feature amongst the hieroglyphs.
The 'Uraeus, Snake Symbol' worn by every sovereign in Ancient Egypt is a Cobra (snake/serpent). This 'snake' is the symbol of the ancient Egyptians belief that they were descendents of Enki - 'Serpent Seed' via Pharaoh Menes, and subsequently as they came from 'the gods', they were Royalty. This is the same principle with self-declared Anunnaki - Elizabeth II, who claims ancestry from the god Odin/Woden.
The Uraeus was worn on the forefront of their forehead and was a representation of their 3rd eye. More importantly, it was a reminder to them that this so called endowled knowledge from the gods should be protected and they should keep to themselves. This is what made them the 'Illuminati' of Ancient Egypt.
Moses (Hebrew - Prince of Egypt) at this time was next in line to spread this 'false knowledge' as the author of the first five books of The Torah (Judaism) and The Bible (Christianity). This was later given to The Prophet Mohammed as The Qur'an (Islam) by the Archangel Gabriel.
Although Moses was not a 'blood born' Prince of Egypt, he grew up as a royal as he was considered to be of royal blood and his identity was not discovered until later on in his life. Moses was also a 'High Priest' and therefore had full access to the historical information held by the Pharaoh including the library and knowledge of the crafts practised by The Magi (the magicians).
Despite Akhenaten's attempts to change the religion of Egypt to the worship of Aten (The One god), (not to be mistaken for Atum), on his death in 1335 BC, Egypt returned to their worship of many gods under Tutankhamun's rule with Amun as the main god. When Moses was banished from Egypt, he went into the desert where he saw 'the burning bush' - this was Archangel Michael (The Blue Flame).
Moses then went back to Egypt to free the Hebrew slaves from Pharaoh's rule however Pharaoh refused on several occasions. Due to Moses' former position in Egypt, it was no surprise to Pharaoh when Moses was able to turn his staff into a serpent as did The Magi (the magicians - Egyptian priests). (Exodus 7:8 - 13:16). Yet the Egyptian priests' staff was swallowed up by Moses' staff. Pharaoh's refusals led to the ten plagues of Egypt - the last being the worst (the death of every Egyptian first-born human and first-born beast). Whilst the nine other plagues can be generally put down to forces of nature having a knock on effect from the previous plague, the last was with pin-point accuracy and cannot be explained away so easily. If it was a 'knock-on' effect, it would have to be considered a plague with 'consciousness,' and that 'consciousness' was 'discriminative' to first born Egyptian humans and beasts only.
Moses claimed he was acting on behalf of 'I AM...THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:14) and these 10 plagues were attributed to "I AM...THAT I AM". The last plague of death, Lord God personally did himself, "And it came to pass, that at mid-night the Lord smote all the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle". (Exodus 12:29). Pharaoh's god (Amun) fell to Moses' god during these plagues because Moses' god was Satan - considered 'god' above all other 'gods'.
Marduk = Supreme Anunnaki god - Ra
Horon = Lord of The Air - Horus/Amun
Amun united with Ra (re-incarnation) and became Amun-Ra.
There were 12 Tribes of Israel aka Jacob (Genesis 32:28): Reuben; Simeon; Levi; Dan; Naph-ta-li; Judah; Is-sa-char; Ze-bu-lun; Gad; Asher; Joseph and Benjamin (Genesis 46).
In Exodus, Moses - (Anunnaki servant) then led the Israelite slaves out of Egypt under the guidance of Enki, and eventually, after trekking around the desert for 40 years, wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Children of 'IS' 'RA' 'EL'
Here are some more of the biblical descendants of The Anunnaki - Serpent Seed: -
(IS)hma(EL); (ISaac); Samu(EL), (EL)ijah, (EL)isha, (Ezeki(EL), Dani(EL); (IS)iah; and.......
Emmanu(EL) The 'immaculately conceived' child of The Anunnaki. 'Special Delivery' by Artificial Insemination to Mary.
Who did Jesus call on as his god on his crucifixion?
(EL)i, (EL)i, la-ma sa-bach-tha-ni)
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
The 'Square, Compass and Holy Book'
During King David's rule, David was commanded by lord god through an angel to build an altar at Gibeon (Mount Moriah) where he would make his sacrifices to lord god (1 Chronicles 21:18, 28). David's son, King Solomon then went on to build a temple in Mount Moriah which involved two pillars, one on the left side of the temple and the other on the right. Solomon called the left pillar Boaz (In it is strength), and the right pillar Jachin (He shall establish) (2 Chronicles 4:1,17).
During the construction of Solomon's temple, the workmen found Enoch's 'underground vaults' and took the contents of each one to Solomon. To carry on the 'practice of preserving it for future generations', Solomon is then said to have put 'the secrets of Enoch' in a place where it wouldn't be easily discovered as one vault was alleged to contain 'The 'Great Secret'.
The original medieval Order of Knights Templar was established after the First Crusade, and existed from approximately 1118 to 1312 AD. This 'Great Secret' is now alleged to be part of the Master Mason Degree and The Holy Royal Arch of Freemasonry.
Quetzalcoatl - Enki
After the flood Quetzalcoatl appeared in Mesoamerica. He was described as light skinned, bearded and tall, with a serpent head cloaking his human appearance. The earliest surviving image of Quetzalcoatl comes from The Olmec civilization with a sculpture at La Venta of a beaked snake with a feather crest surrounded by two quetzal birds.
Quetzacoatl taught the Native Americans practices of The Snake Brotherhood including human sacrifice, and sciences including the calendar, crafts, arts, and agriculture. Then one day, Quetzalcoatl burned himself and disappeared into the sky towards Venus. (Alien Policy, 2017). Other accounts say he made a snake raft and disappeared out to sea.
During the Easter of 1519, The Native Americans initially assumed that Hernando Cortés who arrived on the Atlantic coast with his conquistadors, was the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl making his prophesied return. (David, G. 2017).
Aztec Serpent Symbol for Quetzalcoatl
Thoth - The Head of The Ibis
Both Thoth and Quetzalcoatl took this opportunity to spread lies and deceit 're-educating' humans on their ancestry as humans had re-populated. Naturally, this immediately caused division and the birth of race/religious wars with the Native American religious practices to Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl, The Egyptians to Atum-Ra/The Ennead/Thoth, the emerging Anatolians worshipping Enki and recovering Sumerians continuing the worship of The Anunnaki.
The Ennead - An extended family of nine deities produced by Atum-Ra/Anu/Satan - The Creator of the World. (RA = Marduk Solar God who was banished by Anu/Atum initially, then on his return arrived in Egypt and declared himself The Supreme Anunnaki god).
So the false doctrines and teachings of The Snake Brotherhood continued throughout the world. From Ancient Egypt, these teachings eventually become known as present day Freemasonry.
Tutankhamun's Death Mask
Notice 'The Snake Brotherhood Symbol' is on either side of the centre emblem. The centre emblem is Anu's symbol.
The Snake Brotherhood logo
Click the image to magnify it.
Click the image to magnify it.