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Fitch, J (1922) in 'The General Nature To The New Education' wrote, " order to define more clearly the new education which I propose, I should reply that that very recognition of, and reliance upon, free will in the pupil is the first listake of the old system and the clear confession of its impotence and futility. ...The new education must consist essentially in this, that it completely destroys freedom of will in the soil which it undertakes to cultivate, and produces on the contrary strict necessity in the decisions of the will...the will of man has already its definite bent. If this agrees with your exhortation... he would have done what you exhort him to. If this bent and your exhortation are in opposition, you may at most bewilder him for a few moments; when the time comes, he forgets himself and your exhortation, and follows his natural inclination. If you want to influence him at all, you must do more than merely talk to him; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than you wish him to will. 

















Have you ever awoken from a dream that felt so real like it really happened? Except it wasn't a dream, you were awake all along and through whatever occurrence or event, things just 'fell into place' and you couldn't believe you didn't see it for so long even though it's been right there in plain sight?


Let me explain. Theoretically, we're born, we die. Those are the only two things certain in this life. Everything else in between is an illusion. The very structures of our environment are a fabricated illusion 'to keep us from finding our truth'. Nursery, school, college, university, work, places of worship etc. all these structures/organisations built into the very fabrics of our 'social systems' are distractions. Even our relationships will act against us if we don't keep our eyes on the 'end game'. 


What are you talking about? I hear you cry. Surely school is an arena for social development and learning? Work is to obtain fulfilment and make a positive contribution to the community and in the process we get paid with hard earned cash for our efforts? Our place of worship is a sacred building/temple where we can worship and praise. "NOOOO"!!!! I cry back, "Do not be deceived!!! 


From the day we are born we are given an identity that keeps us under 'lock and key' for the rest of our lives". Let me give you a 'typical example'.



The Matrix

We are born. Before there is any chance to fully bond with parents/carers etc, and identify with 'our life's purpose', we become potential 'system employees' and are carted off to nursery/school where we're indoctrinated into rules and a curriculum of learning that does not cater for those who 'realise there is no box', or those whose learning style is not 'classroom' orientated. Any detraction/distraction/challenge is rendered 'insubordination', or a disorder - ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), Autism, Aspergers, the list goes on. So the child(ren) who realise 'there is no box' or who are not stimulated in a 'classroom environment' are 'labelled' a 'deviant'.

















"Schools have not necessarily much to do with education. They are mainly institutions of control, where basic habits must be inculcated in the young. Education is quite different and has little place in school".

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Prime Minister of the UK from 1940 to 1945, and 1951 to 1955.

















they go to University where they are then tested on their ability to retain the curriculum information they have been taught without question, research subjects themselves, and/or present assignments with a conclusion that matches the 'curriculum objectives'. Those who are successful are given more pieces of paper (certificates), and additional 'letters after their identifying name' to mark their achievement of 'compliance and memorised information'.
















Look behind the illusion and facade of 'social (dis)order', look behind the rules, teachings, expectations and structures 'imposed' on us. â€‹We are all from different walks of life and we have different beliefs, priorities, objectives, commitments and expectations. However, if we drill deep into the core of these areas, how many depend on our ultimate purpose in this 'arena' to obtain 'enlightenment'? Not many. They are 'programs' running in the background - illusions which keep us distracted long enough for our 'soul searching' to become a minor, and the program of social laws and rules to become embedded in our core framework, and because we are 'law abiding citizens', we believe we are 'good people', when we are really 'compliant zombies'.


Then we have children..... and they go to school to learn the rules, compliance and memorised information...... and we continue in 'this system' until we are too tired to 'see it' as we are ready for our grave. 

















When you see 'The Matrix', then you also see​​​ 'the prison for your mind'. 

This is what 'Layer 1 of The Matrix' is. It is an illusion of a 'system' designed to indoctrinate us into it through various programs, until we are consistently distracted and dependent on it, and ultimately robbed of our chances to obtain our truth/enlightenment. 


There are those who are earnest, true and sincere in their endeavours for truth/enlightenment and support others likewise, but this 'system' also has its 'viruses' designed to assist in the distraction process.

The viruses' primary objective - 










Meanwhile, and from birth, our children are saturated with images and products that 'programs' them with the 'disorder' of 'consumerism/materialism'. This 'disorder' can capture even the brightest child in one way or another, and as potential 'system employees', this disorder will 'forever' be a means of keeping them 'in the consumerist/materialist system' as they are told if they work hard (in the educational/work 'system'), they can have 'it' (whatever it may be). 


Those who are not expelled/excluded from 'the educational system' on the basis of 'detraction/distraction/challenge/insubordination/disorder', and obey the rules of 'the system' are periodically tested on their ability to retain the curriculum information they have been taught - without question, and are then placed in factions/groups according to their scores. They are then carted off to another 'educational system - secondary school'. The cycle of scoring is repeated as are 'the rules', and midway through secondary school, the children are expected to choose their 'core subjects' for their GCSE's. Yet these core subjects which will act as a basis for further tests/exams on their ability to retain information without question, are limited, and for some, do not match their long term ambitions.






History is a Lie

Religion is a Control System

Money is a Hoax

Media is Manipulation

Government is a Corporation

The System is a Lie


Wake Up


The Unknown Awakened


The GCSE's are up-coming and the children turn 15-16 years old. They are then given pieces of paper called 'certificates' which assist their move into another 'educational system'. By the time the children/youths gets to college, they believe 'the system works' and is a part of life. Those who do not go to college or further education, generally find work 'in the system', or claim their benefits, from 'the system'. 


'Compliance' is a way of life now either way, as compliance allows the youths to continue moving up in 'the educational system' or the labouring youths to further their work achievements. The 'non-compliant' and/or benefit claimants can end up in another 'institutional system' called jail. Either way, the cycle continues and 'the system' wins.


Now, on completion of their studies, the youths at college are then given more pieces of paper 'certificates' which allows them to move up into another 'educational system'. Now adults, 

The world is now our's (or so we've been programmed to think), when really, all that we've achieved is life-long containment 'in the system', which the vast majority will now protect as it serves their consumerist/materialist needs. The never ending 'rat race' of work is now our daily routine, where compliance - again without question, and our ability to meet the targets/deadlines etc. are the norm and part of a 'system strategy' to furthering career and work prospects/achievements.


Consider how long we spend at school/college/university etc being 'indoctrinated into the system'. If/when we're 'allowed', we can have a holiday or a break for a couple of weeks. During which time we're so happy to be 'out of the system' we do not realise we are still in it. Some of us only have two days where we are able to catch up on what we haven't been able to do in the week, and if we have the chance to 'relax', this can involve watching/playing 'the mind control boxes' where we continuously process endless images of sex, drugs, violence, money, power, materialism, consumerism, etc. until we're de-sensitised, and all manner of vulgarity and filth is considered 'the norm'. 

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