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Dr. Malachi Z York is the founder of various Orders including 'The Ancient and & Mystic Order of Melchizedek (The AMOM) Lodge No. 19', and, 'The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Neter: A'aferti Atum-Re' which operate under 'The United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors Government'.

"The A.M.O.M is an ancient and eternal priesthood created to maintain balance throughout the boundless universe and to aid evolving beings who are ready to gain a state of perfection. Perfection in this sense means accomplishing complete mastery of self by maintaining total balance between both physical and spiritual state of one’s self.


The Ancient & Mystic Order of Melchizedek’s Priesthood has no birth record. According to the Bible, Hebrews Chapter 7, the head of A.M.O.M. is Melchizedek whom has neither beginning nor end of days and is the highest Priest of this order. It is also recorded in Hebrews 6:20 that Jesus/Yashua was initiated into this order as well, gaining the title of High Priest “forever after” the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek, meaning “my angel, angel of righteousness or justice,  is a seat or office that any perfected human being can occupy regardless of gender. 

Melchizedek is known in many cultures and by many names such as Father Time, The Ancient of Day, The Angel Michael, the Ancient Sumerian deity Murduq, The  Ancient Egyptian deity Tehuti, Islam’s Al Khidr, and Malachi just to name a few. Melchizedek is the 19th elder of the 24 elders spoken of in Revelations and has been assigned as guardian over the beings of this planet".



According to Dr Haliym, in the book, "The Man From Planet Risq", Dr. York advocates the following: -

"I am a being from the 19th galaxy called Illyuwn. We have been coming to this planet before it had your life form on it. I manifest into this body to speak through this body. I am a entity an etheric being. We watched the 3 other cycles of 18,000 years, two moons and one sun which is part of your 24,000 year cycle, the equinox; the removal of the dust cloud from light to darkness then to light again. I incarnated into this realm from time to time. My incarnation as an Ilah Mutajassid or Avatara was originally in the year 1945 A.D. In order to get here I travelled by one of the smaller passenger crafts called Sham out of a mother plane called Merkabah or Nibiru.

Then in 1970 A.D., was my time to come in flesh to start my work of breaking the spell of sleep also called The Spell of Leviathan or Kingu, The Moon Spell or Lunatic State of Mind with the power as the "Sun of Righteousness" (Malachi 4:2). Earth astronomers thought it was a comet, which they called Bennett that appeared on March 16, 1970 A.D. Four months before my 25th birthday June 26, 1970 A.D. - the opening of the seventh seal which marked the beginning of the Aquarian Age. An Astrophysicist named Ricarrdo Ciacconi sent up a satellite from Kenya, Africa in the year 1970 A.D., to study x-rays in the sky for three years trying to map our coming. The satellite was called "Uhuru" which in the African language called Swahili, is "freedom". Swahili is made from two different languages called Bantu and Arabic that was a language created for the slave trade that occurred in Zanzibar between the Arabs and the scientists were well aware of our coming and called us Bennett.





















I, Yaanuwn, am an Anunnaqi or what you would call an Extra-Terrestrial; Extra Terra-astral; look at this extra-meaning in addition to; Terra-of The Earth; Astral- of or From the Stars. I am what you call an angelic being, an Eloheem from the 8th planet called Rizq which has 1 moon Sheshqi of its own. This galaxy, the nineteenth galaxy called "Illyuwn" originally referred to as heaven known as Elysium in Greek, has 3 suns: 1) Shamash 2) Utu 3) Apsu which means a tri-solar system with 38 moons and 19 planets. Each with its own number of moons. I have incarnated here in this form to act as a human being for the sole purpose of saving the children of the Eloheem (Anunnaqi), the Banaat, which is the same word as Bennett, the chosen 144,000. Just as Mary of 2,000 years ago was chosen by the most high, Anu, called an alien, which is 'Ali' and 'En' (an), both of which are names for Anu, to breed the holy thing called Yashu'a or Jesus', real name Tammuz, called Horus. So too, the Banaat will breed the Savior of this time; if they hold firm to the rope on your planet Earth. The planet Earth is also referred to as orb, ard (arduwt), qi, terra or even Tiwawat and Tamtu meaning "maiden of life ". However, it was originally called Tiamat. I, Yaanuwn, have come to save the children of the Eloheem (Anunnaqi) from being killed as you bring your planet near to what could be its total destruction.















The United Nawaubian Nation of Moors Government have a set of 'Holy Tablets', and Anu (The Anunnaki) is their gOD. According to Dr Haliym, 'The Holy Tabernacle Family Guide (1994)', Dr York advocates,"After Adam and Eve disobeyed an Elohim named Kalkael, also called Uriel, one of the 24 Elders In The Enclosed Garden Of Delight which translates " He Who Is Of The Elohim" Genesis 3:6-13, this Adam became as one of the Elohim (Genesis 3:22). And I quote: "...and the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us. To know good and evil". When man disobeyed Kalkael, which was the name of The Head of the 24 Elders or Elohim in The Garden of Delight, and ate of the fruit after they were commanded not to in Genesis 3:3, they were cast out of the garden in Genesis 3:25 and I quote: " ...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." Thus Adam, Eve and their descendants were cut off and no longer allowed to communicate with all the Elohim. Meaning more than one Eloh, nor with Anu the most high. But now they could only communicate through one Eloh, which is an Elohim who was appointed out of the 24 Elders responsible for human beings and that they should have no other being besides him. He was a Yahweh (Genesis 4:25-26). This one Eloh was called in the Ancient Tablets of which The Bible comes, Tammuz. He was also called "the spirit of God" (Genesis 6:3) and I quote "...and the lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years".
















"Tammuz was converted into being an agreeable Elohim. Tammuz was captured by the Elohim Enungi and the scientist Nergal - one of the sons of Anu who was the master of the underworld and Tammuz was taken because the Anunnaqi (Elohim) wanted to convert him from disagreeable to agreeable. His mother broke through the 7 seals to get to the inner city Agharta in order to get her son back and stop what was about to happen. Ishtar was captured by Arishkegal, the wife of Nergal who was also a scientist. And imprisoned her. However, Ishtar used Tammuz as her alibi and released Enqi from the Kurnugi, the prison in the underworld. When the Elohim of Agharta (Esharra) converted Tammuz to an agreeable he was assigned to oversee you as your Yahweh (lord) or Eloh for 6,000 years. Thus, he became the master of agreeable (good) and disagreeable (evil). Tammuz is the name of a Babylonian being who corresponds to the Egyptian Osiris. He is also a Yahweh because Yahwehs in the plural are Elohim and under the great "most high" called "Al" or "Alyuwn" (Elyon) the deity that Melchisedek taught to Abraham in Genesis 14:18 these are the actual facts. Don't believe me check them out. From this you get your father Anu, son Enlil, incarnated holy ghost Tammuz, and blessed mother Ishtar which later took a change to the present day religious concepts. This is right knowledge for those children of the Elohim called the Anunnaqi, meaning those who Anu sent to Qi (Earth) in 50's. These seeds, meaning some of you, seek to know the facts about where you come from? Why are you here? Are you ever going home? Who put you, or created you here? You keep looking to the stars. You know that the U.F.O.'s are real. If this is you then you're a child of the Elohim, who wish to be lifted from the spell of blind faith and silly beliefs, who want to be a part of the all-intelligent and all-knowing".


"Yashua (Jesus) was one of these Elohim called Eloh or Allah, Son of an Allah, or El Oh, Enlil, Son of The Supreme Being Anu. Gabriel, whose Anunnaqi name is Nusku was under Enlil from the ranks of those selected Elohim called the Arch Angels, seven in all: 1. Micha'el 2. Gabri'el 3. Uria'el 4. Izraafi'el 5. Izraa'el 6. Uzzi'el 7. Zamar'el. The very first was Mich'ael who was known as Murduk, having 50 attributes. He gave birth to the concept of One God and gave all the praise to Anu. He was appointed over all the gods, and he named all of them Murduk. He was taught by Anu. He was the son of Enqi, Anu's other son; yet he took rule over all the Universes and restored it back to Anu by establishing The One God teachings and that was Anu. All of these names end with El and another name for El is Anu which means Above, On High, The Highest One And Also "Ana" Or I Am. Thus Gabri'el merely brought the holy spirit or the seed to be artificially inseminated into Mary. Yes we're talking cloning, cryogenics, a frozen gene of The Adonis placed into Mary. Tammuz called the sun God, also named Dumu-Zi after his father became the one appointed by Anu The Most High God over the planet Earth El Aliya the 36th Attribute or Elyon".

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors Gov.


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