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How many times I've been round and round and round the 'cycle of foolishness', as I've come to call it is innumerable. Here's how it works:-





The mail with important bills/information etc. never arrives. So I arrange to fetch it from the mail delivery office instead. This makes no difference as mail still arrives at my property late, and mail collected at the mail office is already open.....if it arrives at all. As a consequence, everything has to be re-organised and re-budgeted causing disruption to any order that I had in life. It can also result in prosecution. One letter I was sent was from the police regarding a speeding ticket with so ever many days to respond. It was conveniently delivered to the property's outside letter box and as such stayed in there for weeks without notice. One can put this down to a few incidences of in-competence. However, this has been on-going since 2012. It's 2018. When I complain to Royal Mail....."Oh sorry". 


I ring the insurance company about an appliance that's broken down. When I ring back to chase it up, the insurance company deny they ever spoke to me and tell me that I've been speaking to someone else - another company. As this has become the norm, I record the conversations, and when I tell them this, I'm offered a new appliance without question.


Things start to go missing, move, get damaged, and there's no sign of any forced entry to the property. Once the items have been replaced or fixed, the original item(s) return. This can even happen before my very eyes i.e. I lit an incense stick and put the lighter down. There's myself and another person in the house and we move rooms. They pick up the lighter so I do not notice and throw it across the other side of another room so when I'm looking for it later, I'll wonder where it went. Call it a joke in the first instance...yes I get it, but this goes on and on and on for months. To this extreme, it is called 'gas lighting' as I understand it, especially when I have been out and returned home to find things have been moved/damaged etc. and I am the only keyholder. So eventually, I am supposed to question my sanity and/or my ability to remember simple things.


Crime in the home, garden, neighbourhood etc is almost a daily occurrence. If these matters are reported to the police, it falls on deaf ears and the crimes continue. As the cost of replacing items becomes almost financially impossible, I raise this with my MP as the list of criminal damage and crime has become innumerable. The police then lie to the MP and say they offered CCTV to resolve the issues. Yet this has never been offered at all. I do recall however when my car was stolen. This was 'organised' as the iron gates to the drive were removed (and their not light) and it just so happens that night the window to the back door was open. So I wake up to the sound of my car engine outside and immediately call the police. My car was recovered and still with my work documents in the boot - conveniently.


Shortly after the UK release of 'Lucy' (The Movie), I'm sitting at home on the laptop looking for the movie to stream. I then hear the neighbours and/or passers-by outside shouting 'Lucy'. However, the living room is fenced off from the pavement.

I think that as this behaviour is repeated, I'm then supposed to switch off the tv and/or laptop and sit in the dark rocking, terrified that I'm under surveillance. 

In June 2018 I log into my on-line banking to note that someone else has logged in before me. I call the bank who inform me that someone has been accessing and 'watching' my bank account since March 2018. When I log on, it triggers another screen opening which is not connected to my I.P address. Whosoever it is, is also able to access this account by themselves. Reported to the police and I'm told a Production Order will be requested to obtain the I.P. addresses from the bank. Shortly afterwards, I receive a message from the police that no such Order will be requested and this criminal case is to be closed.






Random members of the public 'all of a sudden' start 'shouting' their conversations when I walk by so I can hear what they are saying. This is supposed to be 'relevant' to me. For example, I'll be walking along and a passerby mentions the name Justina. When I get to the check in desk where there is 1 in 26 chance of this happening, the person checking me in is called Justina.  


Random members of the public 'all of a sudden' find some reason to 'touch' me, and I'm not just talking about brushing past or bumping into me by accident. This is provocation so I'm expected to 'kick off'. The reason for this aggressive response to a seemingly minor thing is because I know it's been done purposefully as it happens every time I go out to the shops. Ask yourself, when was the last time a random member of the public found cause to touch you? If that was yesterday, when was the last time before that? For me this is an on-going issue wherein I had to shout out loud in Tesco's "...don't touch me", to a random stranger who found cause to 'stroke' my arm, shoulder to elbow and back again. Is that 'normal?' Hell No it's not.


I go to the shop and I'm short changed every time. This started off with 10p at the local store. Then it expanded to different stores and by different cashiers, or I was overcharged for the items I purchased. 'Free stuff' was put in my bag without me knowing or distraction attempts made so that I would leave the store without paying for items. I was a law student, so I was in no position to be leaving the store as a 'shop-lifter'.


I go to the shop, purchase the items I need and ask for a receipt. I'm given a 'nectar card points balance' instead, so I return and ask for a receipt which takes them 20mins to fetch. When I go to another store and ask for a receipt, I'm told they can't provide one until I tell them it's the law so give me a receipt.  


I go to the shop and the person behind the till decides they are deaf so I have to keep repeating myself, or I ask them for something simple, like a carrier bag which costs 5p/10p, and they give me two, and charge me for it, or I buy a meal and I'm 'given' the wrong food/order, or go to a restaurant and ask for a 'doggy bag' where I'm told to do it myself. Daily provocation, day in day out. I believe this is 'supposed' to make me stay at home and become an Agoraphobic - afraid to leave the house for 'gas-lighting', afraid to go outside for the problems incurred on a daily basis. 





Psychological abuse/domestic abuse

What seems to be 'normal' conversations with family members and others, then turns out to be the next quote on the tv programme/film that I'm watching 'word for word'. Again, this is in small doses so it can easily appear to be a coincidence at first and is ignored. Then before I know it, the evenings are spent listening to the same quotes from the conversations I've had previously.


Those who are close to me say I have said things that I never said, done things that I've never done. When reason and logic is presented that clearly contradicts them, "Oh sorry". Again, once or twice I just ignored this, however this has been occurring since 2013. This is designed to 'implant' false memories and/or make me begin to question myself and my ability to remember. This is supposed to lead on to a loss in self confidence and introverted behaviour.


If I go and visit friends/family members, they find cause to start an argument purposely so that I argue back and give them an excuse to bad mouth me to other friends/family members etc. or claim heart failure. As this is already 'predicted' by now, I don't argue back and leave them to their foolishness. I never hear from them until they have been given a purpose to contact me in which to provoke further strife. This is the same family who claim to be 'Christians'. 


So eventually, contact ceases and I become 'a loner' with no support networks. Only a part time partner who is a handsome charming prince one day, and evil troll clone the next. When any of these issues are mentioned, it's 'put up and shut up' or 'I need a psychiatrist'.

I've long since caught him out 'gas lighting' on many occasion, yet I need a psychiatrist? So, social interactions are of nothing but abuse, there is no 'normality', and if it wasn't for the fact that I take time out alone abroad, I don't think I'd even realise. Again, over time it's supposed to chip away until I suffer a nervous breakdown or 'give up' and become suicidal.......No Comment!





*Evidence supplied to Officials on request


I work with members of the public and hold a 'caseload'. I see people daily, so when I have one client who comes in and leaves, followed by the next client who comes in and repeats word for word what the previous client has said, I become suspicious. As time goes by, this continues in small doses at first, and then eventually it escalates to picking up a file where all the information contained has either just happened to me, or is about to happen. I'll give you an example, I pick up a case where someone has had a brick thrown through their window, lo and behold I'm at home sitting there watching t.v. and there's the brick through the window.


I go to the shop to purchase my lunch for work. The shop assistant has previously overcharged me so I'm also there for a refund. They lie and say I'm not entitled to a refund and then they throw the change at me. I'm fuming and due to extreme levels of self control, I'm able to approach the manager to complain. I then return to work to find my next case is someone who went to the shop and was arrested over an issue when purchasing a lottery ticket. 


I go on holiday and because my 'possessed partner' has recently put a knife to my throat in an unprovoked manner, I take the time to think of what exactly is going on here. Meanwhile, and in my whole existence I have never been groped until then. I return to the UK and to work where I find that 'touching me' at work amongst colleagues becomes an on-going issue. This behaviour is observed at first as I never think for one minute it's 'personal'. Then the 'touching' goes too far including from members of the opposite sex and before I know it, and in line with the 'Street Theatre', it's all that comes out of my mouth, "Don't touch me". Then I get round to going through the finer details of my case where there is an allegation of a knife held at someone's throat, a grope of similar circumstances, and 'touching' has been an issue somewhere along the line whether through sexual assault or as a result of the same.


A case containing an allegation of sexual assault where a female has been sexually assaulted by a slap to her bottom becomes part of my case load. I go on leave for a week or so and return to work. On my way to work I go to Sainsbury's for my lunch where I am then sexually assaulted in the middle of a supermarket with a grope to the bottom by some random female stranger. I get to work and there is the email relating to matters outstanding for this case.


On this said holiday, I booked a transfer from the airport to my hotel - 353.3 km away. This arrangement somehow never comes to fruit so I have to arrange my own transfer in the middle of the night in a country that speaks a foreign language. I make it safely there and back in the end. However, when I get back to work I'm reminded of my case who recently went on holiday and ended up having a nervous breakdown resulting in their voluntary admission to a psychiatric unit.


This 'theatre' continues whist I collect evidence of the same. The final straw was when a client at work named Anna turns up to work in my coat. Anna has a mother called Sylvia. My name is Anthea, my mother was called Sylvia. Anna's mother Sylvia is desperate to speak to me at which time she reveals her date of birth is allegedly 10 days later than my own mother's date of birth. Anna then turns up claiming she's burst a blood vessel in her eye. My own mother died of a brain haemorrhage.


This is what you pay your taxes for. A fake criminal justice system with 'actors' posing as offenders. Am I supposed to be 'on edge' waiting for the crimes of my caseload etc to happen to me next?.....Am I supposed to say nothing and continue as if all is well? Does it look like I keep my mouth shut!


False information is purposefully given to me by colleagues, managers and external agency staff, so I'm supposed to run around like a headless chicken trying to sort out their mess in a panic. When this is raised with management, I get "Oh sorry" and/or this is 'explained' away as policy, or being an external issue that can't be dealt with internally when THE LAW says otherwise. So, if I walk out of the role for all of the above reasons, I have no one to blame but myself, and no-one to complain to. So, when it's clearly time to move on to 'what one hopes to be better things', recruitment agencies will contact me with non-existent roles, to keep me hanging on, or never contact me at all.


Any application I make for a job is a waste of time. The application is either dismissed immediately on receipt, or I never get a response back, not even an acknowledgement of receipt. I'll give you an example. An on-line application is submitted. I receive an automated response confirming receipt. I then receive a human response saying the application was sent in incomplete. This wasn't the case as the online submission wouldn't have been accepted in the first place if that was so, so I point this out to them. 'Oh sorry', is the response I receive from the human. The point is, they never read it in the first place. Had they read it, they would've known the information wasn't missing at all. So why would the person(s) responsible for screening the applications then say it's missing in the first instance. I repeat, because they never read it.



This is on-going sabotage. Do I need to relay The Human Rights Act? All in all, the above, when sustained on a daily basis for years and years and years and years on end is designed so I and/or whosoever else is subject to this 'programme' kicks off and is either arrested, locked up, institutionalised, GOES POSTAL!!!, or commits suicide!





TO BE CONTINUED...........



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