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"You're In The Mountain, Use The Vines...". Allen, S (2009).

The Truth Seekers endeavour to free the masses from the darkness of ignorance and give them light. The Truth Suppressors seek to enslave the masses by destroying light and keeping them in darkness. (Hotema, H (1967)).

On the page 'The Snake Brotherhood' is a brief explanation on the construction of The Temple of Solomon, built on the instruction of lord god through 'an angel'. The Temple was built at Mount Moriah by King Solomon and involved two pillars, one on the left side of the temple and the other on the right. Solomon called the left pillar Boaz (In it is strength), and the right pillar Jachin (He shall establish) (2 Chronicles 4:1,17).

So what is the meaning of these pillars? What do they signify? Why the 'masonic secrecy'? What makes the masons so special to become 'the keepers of the knowledge' whilst the average man, woman and child are left to keep guessing? Is it because they are considered aristocrats, and through an abundance of economic wealth are considered to be 'entitled to this knowledge'? Is it through blood-line and inheritance that this knowledge is considered 'sacred', to be passed down the family tree only? Or is it only through a level of academic achievement or graduation from certain educational institutions where this knowledge is shared or obtained?

No. If that is the case, then as far as I am concerned I will change that. In the grand scheme of 'the theory of everything', these aristocrats, alumni's and illuminates will die just like other humans, so their 3D economic advantage, blood line and knowledge will mean nothing! This site provides 'The Ultimate Truth' to All who seek it, and does not distinguish between finance, blood-line, academia, status, race etc. Therefore, I will share what I know and those who wish to add to it have the opportunity to provide All who seek the truth with a greater knowledge of what has been kept secret for millennia.


When Solomon was building The Temple on Mount Moriah, his workers found information belonging to Enoch in the depths of the mountain. Enoch had placed it in the mountain where he used to reside and had guarded the access to it using 9 vaults to negate access. This information was taken to Solomon who learned of The Great Secret(s). I also consider it to be where he obtained 'the ring' from which he used to command these 'demons'. I say this as if it was obtained through Kingship, Solomon would have obtained this from David. However David was never known to have possession of such a ring, nor was he known to have command of demons. So where else would Solomon have got it from?


This information was one of the primary reasons that Solomon was considered so 'wise'. It wasn't through innate or acquired educational wisdom that Solomon obtained this title, it was through 'knowledge' and fraternising with demons. If we consider Solomon's instructions from David - never to depart from the lord god, and his overall 'un-righteous behaviour' after obtaining this information, it is clear his departure from the lord god, it is because he learned 'the truth'. 

This information was then thought to have been hidden in Solomon's Temple, and this was part of the underlying reason for The Crusades. Enoch's writings also included further knowledge on demonology, cosmology, astronomy and alchemy, but above all else, it contained information on 'The Truth', and is the guarded knowledge of today's Illuminates/Freemasons.


1.    The Igigi/Fallen Angels were not blonde with blue eyes, they were Black like The Anunnaki;

2.    The 'sacred' name of The Great Architect of 'The Universe' - 'The Great Architect of The Matrix' was contained within Enoch's


3.    This Third Dimensional plane is 'The Matrix' and everything in it is an assimilation program - (See Holographic Universe Theory);

4.    There are those humans with a soul who can 'escape' The Matrix, and, there are those without a soul (zombies/drones) who are              either happy in it and/or will never question it and therefore will never know any different;

5.    'The Matrix' is a cycle on playback, when one cycle ends in a cataclysm, the cycle starts all over again albeit with upgraded' humans

        - 'Live, Die, Repeat';  

6.    There is 'A Gateway' (1 Gateway) to The After-life that only those with a soul will encounter on death. For those without a soul, there

       is nothing.

7.    There is no heaven nor hell for you.


The Igigi/Fallen Angels

The Igigi were not blonde with blue eyes, they were Black like The Anunnaki. This fabricated description (including that of Noah), was added into Enoch's writings by the scribes who 'white washed' the scriptures for the sake of White Supremacy;

The 'sacred' name of The Great Architect of 'The Universe'

Knowing the name of 'god' is alleged to provide the holder with the ability to command 'god' and the associated power at will

The Third Dimension/Plane

This is 'The Matrix' and everything in it is a program. This 'matrix' is constructed to 'feed' the Anunnaki with energy from the souls trapped here. These souls are created from the same source - The Eternal Flame. Remember, 'The Anunnaki are 'demons/fallen angels as previously explained. They are NOT 'aliens from Nibiru'.

The Zombies/Drones

I am not the judge of who has a soul and who does not. As I have said before, you already know if you have a soul.....or if you do not. What I am happy to say is that the genuine pursuance for the attainment of 'higher consciousness' with no hidden self gratifying agenda, is an indicator of those who can and will 'escape' The Matrix.

I am sorry to say this, but if you do not have a soul, no matter what bargain/covenant you have struck with the 4D demons, when you die, they will not keep their end of the bargain to provide you with fake immortality as you believe it to be. There will be 'nothing', no after-life, no hell, no heaven - nothing! Just like Lazarus who was brought back from the dead and hadn't been anywhere. Why? Because THERE IS NOTHING beyond the time he/you have on this earth. 

'Live, Die, Repeat'

'The Matrix' is a cycle on playback, when one cycle ends in a cataclysm, the cycle starts all over again albeit with upgraded' hominoids and a new promise of 'salvation'. The souls remain the same as they are sent back to reincarnate, but they/we/I are not supposed to remember or re-member. 

My conclusion therefore is that this dimension is 'the underworld' (not hell in the biblical sense), rather, a place where the dead reside (i.e the living dead without a soul), and the 'demons' seek a host to possess 'at will'.

Jachin & Boaz - The Gateway

The Gateway to The After-life and out of this dimension will only be passed by those with a soul on their death. This Gateway is the way 'Home' from whence the souls originally came. There are not 12 gates to the after-life as advocated by the Egyptians, there is only one gate to 'The Field of Aaru/Reeds', (a plane between 3D and the after-life). The Osirian Religion and their account of Apep and Osiris and Maat etc. is not true. So any illuminate/mason preparing to recite the words to open these gates should make better use of the time they have on this earth.

A soul's destiny/fate is to return to 5D+, however until one realises that they do not need to reincarnate back here, their cycle of reincarnation will continue. 

No Heaven or Hell

The contents of The Book of The Dead alongside mummification was/is more deceit. 

Souls created from The Eternal Flame need to undergo cremation on death in order to ensure that: - 1. The soul is released from the body, 2,There is purification, and 3. There is no way they can be resurrected by The Anunnaki.

If you are of the Eternal Flame, you must die by the Flame. If you are of the dust, '...dust thou art and dust thou shalt return'.


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