The Freemason 'Brotherhood'
Principles, Practices and Beliefs
Some of the subjects studied/practiced include: - Astrology, Consciousness, Magic, Tarot, Kabbalah, The Tree of Life, Sacred Geometry, Divination, Scrying, Theosophy, Numeracy, Symbology, Alchemy, Hermeticism, the Chakra system, Auras/Energy bodies, Astral Projection/Out of Body Experiences (OBE's), Kundalini Yoga, Geomancy, Masonic/Occult History and Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Secret Handshakes and Gestures.
'As a way to compose the body of The Holy Spirit, the figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes is used and adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple'. (Pike, A, 1871). The Holy Bible is placed on the altar of a lodge as it is used for teaching, however The Old Testament is the main focus, as 'Jesus' whose life and teachings are in The New Testament, is not considered 'The Messiah' in freemasonry. He is considered an Ascended Master of The Great White Brotherhood.
Mason members are addressed as 'Brother' - 'of the Brotherhood', or 'Worshipful Master Mason' depending on their rank, and as such, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth is said to be established in every mason. One of freemasonry's most basic purposes is to make good men even better by strengthening their character, improving their moral and spiritual outlook, and broadening their mental horizons. Moral rectitude, spiritual values and the necessity of living a life which is pleasing to 'the Grand Architect of the Universe' makes good men, better.
The principles of freemasonry consist of personal responsibility and morality, encouraging each member to practice in his daily life the lessons taught through symbolic ceremonies in the lodge. Publicly, the masons are also taught to practice charity toward those who are less fortunate, not only by monetary gifts, but by their personal and united voluntary efforts.
The freemasonry's logo, (the Square and Compass), symbolises how the Square, the Compass and the Holy Book are, in total, the 3 Great Lights. It is the working tool of a Fellowcraft and it is the official emblem of the Master of the Lodge. It also symbolises how the square, is 'under the Fatherhood of lord god', the compass.
Female Masons
The emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star (the planet Venus) with the white ray of the star pointing downwards towards the manger. As with the 'main stream Order of Freemasonry, the Order of The Eastern Star states that initiates can be of any religion.
In terms of practices, ceremonies and rituals etc., at the centre of 'the Chapter room' is an altar with an open bible on it. The altar which stands at the centre of a five pointed star with the relevant colours of 'the Order', and the 'white' part of the star pointing towards the west. At the east of the chapter room is a pedestal for the presiding officer. Each Chapter Room should have a Seal, Signet, and one or more small Bibles, a Sword and Veil for Adah, Culms of Barley for Ruth, a Crown and Scepter for Esther, a Broken Column for Martha, and a Cup for Electa.
A "Grand Lodge" is the governing body of Freemason subordinate lodges in a specific geographical/jurisdictional area. The 'lodges' are where the Freemasons hold their meetings, degree ceremonies etc. Prince Edward - The Duke of Kent is The Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). The UGLE has its own website with a section entitled, "Becoming a Mason". Prince Philip - Duke of Edinburgh is also a mason and was initiated in Navy Lodge (No.2612), 1952.
The 'first degree' of masonry is the 'Entered Apprentice Degree'.
The 'second degree' of masonry is the 'Fellowcraft Degree'.
The 'third degree' of masonry is the 'Master Mason Degree'.
These are the three degrees of 'The Blue Lodge'.
On completion of the three degrees, masons can choose to go through either 'The York Rite' or 'The Scottish Rite' or both. The highest degree publically known of masonry in 'The York Rite' is 'The 33° (degree) Mason'. The rise through the 'degrees' is accomplished through rituals/practices.
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A requirement of Freemasonry is a belief in The Supreme Being - 'The Grand Architect of the Universe'. The Grand Architect is portrayed to be the god of Abraham, but 'The Grand Architect of the Universe' is Jah-Bal-On. As Pike says, "...for in no matter what rite, The Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by the Christians." As potential initiating masons are advised they can be of any religion as 'all roads lead to god', the masonic rituals put other false gods in with the god of Abraham. The name of this 'god' is revealed in the 'Royal Arch' degree of 'The York Rite' and as such the 'lower masons' are unaware of this.
In the Chaldean, Syrian and Egyptian nations of antiquity, Jah-Bal-On is broken down as follows: -
"Jah. the Chaldean name of God, and signifies, ‘His essence in Majesty – incomprehensible.’ It is also a Hebrew word, signifying, ‘I am and shall be’ thereby expressing the actual future and eternal existence of the Most High.
Bal. is a Syriac word which signifies ‘Lord or Powerful’ also ‘Lord in heaven or on high.
On. is an Egyptian word signifying ‘Father of all’ as is expressed in the Lord’s prayer.” (Evangelical Truth 2016)
Ultimately, Jah-Bal-On is Lucifer as Masons believe Lucifer and Satan are two separate entities.
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Blue Lodge Degree Symbols
Instead of 33°, there are 5° in the Order. These 5° represent the five points of the star as their emblem for the Order. Each point is represented by a colour, and a heroine is chosen to exemplify one of the extreme virtues. The lessons taught by the heroines are Fidelity, Constancy, Purity, Hope and Charity.
Adah - Jepthah’s daughter, teaches them fidelity through proper respect of the binding force of a vow. Her colour is blue.
Ruth - illustrates constancy through devotion and loyalty to a loved one, religious convictions and principles. Her colour is yellow.
Ester - represents purity by demonstrating the nobility of fidelity to loved ones and the tactfulness and wisdom of a truly virtuous wife. Her colour is white.
Martha - portrays hope through the value of undeviating faith in the hour of trial and sorrow. Her colour is green.
Electa - represents charity and illustrates the principles of patience and submission under persecution, ill-treatment and even death for a noble cause. Her colour is red.
The Order of The Eastern Star also supports the younger generation groups aged 11-21 i.e. Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, and The Order of DeMolay who train to become leaders in The Order of The Eastern Star of The Freemasons.
The Order of the Amaranth is a fraternal organization composed of Master Masons and their properly qualified female relatives.
Apeth Keasoy - Representing Virtues
The Celsus Library, Ancient Greek City of Ephesus, Turkey (July 2018)
The Order of The Eastern Star
This Order was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator and freemason - Rob Morris and is for men and women.
The aims and objectives of the Order are:
To associate in one common bond those admitted to membership and give them a means whereby they can make themselves known to each other.
To become co-workers in the services of humanity.
To give comfort in affliction, sympathy in sorrow, and aid in misfortune.
To “cultivate the social virtues”