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According to Drunvalo Melchizedek (p.89), Thoth has provided him with an account of the origins of humans which started in 198,214 B.C.


It begins when seven Anunnaki came together, dropped their bodies by consciously dying, and formed a pattern of seven interlocking spheres of consciousness, exactly like The Genesis Pattern. This created a white-blue flame - 'The Flower of Life' which is four or five feet tall and about three feet in diameter. The Seven placed The Flower of Life into the womb of the Earth known by the Egyptians as The Halls of Amenti (4D) located approximately 1000 miles below the earth's surface and connected to The Great Pyramid by a 4D passage way. The Flame (Flower of Life) is used for the creation of new races or species.

















The Sirians (from Planet Sirius B) then arrived on Earth - 32 members in total, 16 males and 16 females who were primarily fourth-dimensional beings. They entered directly into the centre of The Halls of Amenti, created 32 rose-quartz slabs around The Flaming Flower of Life, and laid down on the slabs in alternating male and female order, facing upward with their heads toward the centre around the flame.


The Sirians then either conceived between themselves, with The Anunnaki women, or merged with The Flaming Flower. When conceiving with The Anunnaki women, the Anunnaki scientists placed 'the created human eggs' in the wombs of seven Anunnaki women, from which the first human beings were eventually born. This involved The Anunnaki taking clay from the earth, blood from the primate (the Sirian males), and sperm from the young Anunnaki males, mixing this together and putting it into the wombs of the female Anunnaki. They gave birth to human babies - seven 'humans' were birthed at once, not just one set i.e. Adam and Eve. However, these 'humans' were sterile i.e. they could not reproduce.


The Anunnaki continued procreating these humans, making an army of beings who were then put on the island of Gondwanaland for about 50,000 to 70,000 years, primarily so that they could be contained and not leave. When they evolved enough to be useful to The Anunnaki, they were transported to the mining areas in Africa and to various other places where they were used to mine gold and perform other services. 



The Dogon Tribe of Mali, Africa claim to have had direct contact with The Nommos (alleged beings from Sirius), however The Dogon Tribe do not make claim to this theory.​


In relation to the Dogon Tribe, there is a god mentioned in 1 Samuel 5 named Da-gon. This was a god of the Philistines, a tribe descended from Ham (Genesis 10:14). I therefore query whether Da-gon is the god of the Dogon tribe (Oannes), as Da-gon is depicted as 'half human, half fish', a description also attributed to The Nommos beings from Sirius. 


In addition, it is worth noting that in the Turkish language, Dogan means 'born'. In my view this is as opposed to being 'created' and is represented across the planet by various monoliths depicting the importance of the naval and umbilical cord. Göbekli Tepe and its funerary value is a page on this website currently under construction.



















The 'H' sign on the left side of the belt (above) is also the sign of the Dogon's and is called the 'Kanaga'. It is used at Dama, a funerary rite in the Dogon tribe " ensure the safe passage of the spirits of the deceased to the world of the ancestors". (Clarke, 2018). The same 'H' image also makes up the majority of the archaeological site of Puma Punku, Bolivia.   


















The Flaming Flower of Life

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