Sirius A (known as The White Blue Star or Dog Star) is located in The Canis Major Constellation System. It is the brightest star in the night sky believed to be 8.6 light years away, twice as big as our Sun, and four times hotter. Through the Hipparcos satellite, it has been confirmed that in the next 60,000 years, the brightness of Sirius will increase as it moves closer to our solar system. Britannica (2018), also advocate Sirius B is Sirius A's orbiting pair - meaning it is a binary system. Sirius B was once a sun, which died and is now a 'white dwarf' star.
The Ancient Egyptians believed Sirius to be the 'real Sun' which lights the spiritual world, whilst the Sun we see in our sky is 'the sun behind the sun', an illusion of the physical world. (Wisdom Square, 2018).
The Ancient Egyptians also associated Sirius with Anubis (god of the underworld), and would build their pyramids aligned with the constellations/stars and Sirius. As such, it is believed that when ceremonies would take place, the light of Sirius would enter through the pyramid and endowl the priest with The Super Solar Force (spiritual light). The priest would then obtain a higher level of consciousness and then pass this on to the other initiates.
My belief is that when the light from Sirius hit the capstone as well as entering the pyramid chambers, the pyramid would act as a gateway/a portal. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is currently missing its cap stone of crystal and without it the pyramid is nothing more than a sight seeing structure. Today, the pyramids are still used to initiate into various Orders.
Sirius is a prominent feature in Freemasonry amongst the majority of their symbolism as it is where initiates seek to ascend to. In the picture below on the left, Sirius is represented as 'the light' coming from The Eye of Horus. The goddess Isis is also affiliated with Sirius, in that she is represented as the moon and Osiris the sun. Their off-spring Horus, is thus represented as Sirius. The Order of The Eastern Star - an Order of Freemasonry, is symbolised by the five pointed star of Sirius.
The Dogon Tribe of Mali, Africa dates back to 3200 BC, and their belief is that The Nommos (amphibious beings from a planet that orbited Sirius), gave them advanced knowledge of the Sirius star system which has so far proved to be correct. However, the Dogon advocate that Sirius is a tri-star system, meaning that instead of there being two stars in orbit, there are three. They call this third star Sirius C - 'The Sun of Women'. Modern science is yet to confirm the existence of Sirius C, however scientists state that if it does indeed exist it would be a brown dwarf star.
To the Mesoamerican Pawnee Tribe, Sirius is known as The Wolf Star or The Coyote Star which would accompany the dead through the Milky Way. To The Cherokee Tribe, Sirius (Agise'gwa - a female star) guards The Milky Way with Antares (Wa'hyaya' - the male star) which is on the other side of the Milky Way. If they are not fed, then a soul will not be able to pass through and will then wander aimlessly back and forth between the two stars along the Great River in the sky (Brosch, 2008).
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