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Some monatomic gold experts have stated that "colloidal/monatomic gold administered at 30 mg/day improved significantly I.Q scores after only one month of administration". (Abraham, G; McReynolds, S; Dill, J). When consumed or injected into the body it enhances a person's nervous system and their sensory ability. Subsequently any input is processed optimally and areas of the brain that are not used often or not used at all become active.


The results are: - a boost in energy, an increase in function of the 'pineal and pituitary' glands including levitation and telepathy, ESP (extra sensory perception), sensing evil and detecting lies, and understanding problems better. Monatomic gold also has healing properties as it aligns the cells to carry phenomenal amounts of light energy, removing blockages and imbalances that result in disease or illness. 



Monatomic Gold supplements can be purchased 'over the counter', however there are some of 'low quality' and these may not always produce the desired effect. Ingesting too much monatomic gold can negatively affect a person's health as our bodies are not set to continually manage high concentrations of energy. It can also be addictive.




































Queen Pu-abi's jewellery and belt



Basic copper, gold, silver, and electrum, along with the higher valued gemstones like agate, carnelian, chalcedony, crystal, jasper, lapis lazuli, onyx and sardonyx were used to make their jewellery. Also used were shells and pearls. The 'culture' of wearing wedding rings started in Mesopotamia. Wedding rings were only worn by women as a symbol of a woman’s status 'as someone’s property'.









Queen Pu-abi's ring





Alongside jewellery, the Sumerians also used crystals for their 'magic' rituals, and to adorn their statues as representatives of 'spiritual/divine beings'.  


To balance the 'Ka' and 'Ba' energies, the Pharaohs would carry a copper and zinc cylinder filled with quartz crystal. Some Egyptians would also bury their dead with a quartz crystal on their forehead to guide them to the 'afterlife'. Crystals were also worn on certain fingers to channel certain purpose and influence into their life. Forehead crowns were also worn to stimulate the third eye, and Lapis Lazuli and Malachite were used as eye make-up and for decorating themselves, statutes, ornaments etc. Crystals were also used for protection and health purposes.


In nature, crystals have the lowest amount of entropy (a measurement for disorder). Each crystal has its own vibration level and they emit (output) consistent energy. When 'dissonant/negative' energy is input into a crystal, it is balanced and transformed into a harmonic energy. As different people have different vibrations, specific crystals have to be used for specific purposes in accordance with the vibration of the crystal. “When we bring the crystal into our electromagnetic field, two things occur. The electromagnetic frequencies carried by the stone will vibrate with related frequencies in our own energy field through the physical law of resonance, creating a third larger vibration field. The nervous system is attuned to these shifts in energy and transmits this information to the brain. Here the frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect the physical body and shift brain function to open the client / patient to emotional experiences.” [Simmons & Ahsian 2005:28].  Crystals and stones carry the entire spectrums of light energy available to us, from the low frequencies needed for physical balance, to the very high frequencies needed for spiritual work/development.







































































































Monatomic Gold is a metal that is super-conductive. This means that if monatomic gold is used as an input for 'energy transmission', then the energy 'output' will be the same and 0% of energy will be lost. 100% input - 100% output.


According to some archaeologists and scientists, this exotic white powder gold was used by the ruling class of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and secret societies for certain rituals, and to increase vitality and longevity. Present day researchers of Occultism believe monoatomic gold is still used by secret societies of today for rituals.

When 'Ur' was excavated in the 1920's, the remains of Queen Pu-abi were discovered. Queen Pu-abi is estimated to have reigned around ca. 2600 BC. 


The jewellery found in The Great Death Pit consisted of necklaces, head-dresses, ear-rings, hair adornments, rings etc. These are on display at various museumsThe Mesopotamian necklace in the picture on the right is gold and lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is the blue stone and represented 'wealth' as the stone had to be imported from Afghanistan and was therefore very expensive. The king's sceptre was also made of gold and lapis lazuli.

The King of Ur's royal sceptre

Female Attendant To Queen Pu-abi

Amethyst Geode

These crystals all point inwards towards the centre of the cavity and are known as 'Geodes'. Amethyst helps make the space feel clean and calm by picking up and clearing any negative thoughts that are emitted. Those in the vicinity will feel less stressed and should be able to work for longer periods of time. Amethyst is good for psychic and spiritual development, bereavement and letting go of unhealthy thought or behaviour patterns.


 Their energy patterns can help repair damaged cellular structures. Diamond crystals are perfect transducers, allowing the high-frequency vibrational energies to be more available to the conscious self. Used in meditation, especially when placed on the Third Eye, diamonds can facilitate the entry into meaningful visionary states and may heighten one’s psychic powers. Placing a second diamond over the heart can activate the energetic circuit between the two vital centers and influence them to act in synergistic union. Rough Diamond Elixir can assist to counteract exhaustion by adding a few drops in the bath to re-energize. 

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli stones resonate with the vibration of truth. It is known as a truth crystal, as it can also assist to ensure that the words you speak are in alignment with your personal truth. It will also assist to stimulate and activate The Throat Chakra


Lapis Lazuli resonate with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty to stimulate the third eye and the pineal gland. They can also assist to bring through enhanced visionary abilities, relieve anger and negative thoughts, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger.


Lapis Lazuli have a strong vibration, so be aware that you may have to use it for short periods in the initial stages. The energy of the stone can act as an aid to heal weaknesses in the thyroid gland, throat, ears and skin. It can also assist with your immune, respiratory and nervous system, and can also act as a relief for migraines due to its pain relief qualities.


Malachite can protect your auric field from invasion by earthbound energies that may otherwise put you at risk from psychic attack. The energy of this stone can strengthen your auric field, and can alert you to the approach of danger. It can also help to clear and activate all the chakras, and has a stabilizing energy that can help you to feel more emotionally balanced. 

This stone can also help to clear the obstructions from your path that may have been holding you back. So you may, just coincidentally, avoid the things that may cause you difficulties or that may harm you. Malachite can also embody the power of 'synchronicity'.

Quartz Crystal

The Energy Stone. Excellent for crystal healing, focusing the mind during meditation or simply displayed as ornaments or worn as jewellery.

Quartz Crystals can amplify energy and thought, receive, store and transmit energy, dispel negativity, and can aid communication with every dimension.

Rose Quartz

The Love Stone. Emits strong vibrations of unconditional love, joy, warmth and healing, and encourages compassion and harmony. The Rose Quartz also balances, heals and rejuvenates the emotions, cools hot tempers, and clears stored anger, guilt and jealousy. 

The energy can assist you with healing yourself, and is well known for its action to stimulate romance in your life. It is beneficial worn on your body, as the soft energy of this crystal will assist in resonating out into your whole aura, allowing you to see the beauty in the world, as your heart resonates to a new tune.


The Sapphire stone is associated with royalty, wisdom, intuition, confidence. The stone signifies love and commitment, and is believed to hold the strongest vibration of all the blue stones. The Sapphire Stone provides peace and calmness to the wearer, and is associated with many religions as the stone stimulates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, allowing one to access deeper levels of consciousness.


This stone is generally held to be ''Blue', however comes in a range of colours including Black; Green; Orange; Pink; Violet; White and Yellow.


A very intense and highly attuned crystal. Selenite can help one connect to their higher self and into higher frequencies. 

Selenite healing can help to heal the auric field. Selenite stones can also magnify the energy of anything that is placed upon them making it ideal for activating your crystal jewellery. 

It is perfect for all types of energy cleansing - assisting in cleansing the energy of your body, the energy of other crystals, and can unblock stagnant energy and/or remove negative energy. Selenite can also assist to bring calming energies, deep peace and mental clarity. 


It is also considered to be the most powerful healing crystal ever discovered, and modern scientific testing has also confirmed the antibacterial benefits of Shungite. 


Shungite has been used for centuries to purify water in Russia. Shungite water has been shown to assist in helping with a variety of ailments including asthma, anemia, allergies, gastritis, erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, immune system deterioration, and chronic fatigue. Shungite water can be made by allowing the stone to soak in a container of water for up to 72 hours and then drinking 2-3 glasses per day.

Spessartine Garnet

Spessartine is a stone of devotion and commitment. It can assist to balance the energetic flow throughout the body, from base to crown and can stimulate the Kundalini. Spessartine can enhance creativity and manifestation, and can also be used as an aid for conception and fertility.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline works with the Heart Chakra, assisting in cleansing and removing blockages, and bringing inspiration from higher realms into the chakras for processing within the body. It can help to inspire both creativity and practicality, and connects the Heart Chakra to both physical and spiritual vibrations.


As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline aids in removing insecurities. Meditation with Watermelon Tourmaline can aid in the release of unhealthy patterns of behaviour, making room for new ways of thinking.  
Watermelon Tourmaline can become electrically charged as a result of heat or pressure, which is a testament to the ability of these crystals to impact on ones energy field. Tourmaline is very grounding and can assist in releasing stress and tension.

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Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice. Therefore, the uses of these stones are provided as a means of information, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. 

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