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Mu is the name of a suggested lost continent proposed by 19th-century traveller and writer Augustus Le Plongeon. Le Plongeon claimed that several ancient civilisations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu, an island which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. Le Plongeon's concept was popularized and expanded by James Churchward a British born occult writer, inventor, engineer, and fisherman. Churchward wrote a book entitled 'The Lost Continent of Mu' however claimed Mu was a continent in the Pacific Ocean that was lost in 'The Deluge/Flood'. 

Churchward stated he was in India when he came across fragments of ancient tablets that were over 12,000 years old. The tablets came from a civilisation called 'The Naacals'. The Naacal Tablets were a copy of 'The Sacred Inspired Writings of the Mu'. Churchward and an Indian High Priest translated the tablets from The Naacals' language - "the original language of man", and told of how life began.


The story of the Mu had originated in India where the inhabitants of Mu had gone when the continent was destroyed. Later, The Naacals went to Egypt as missionaries to teach the seven sacred inspired writings, religion and the sciences. The writings were taken to The Temple of Sinai and were subsequently copied by Moses - The High Priest.

















3. Let the outside gases be separated and let them form the atmosphere and the waters. (The gases that did not form the waters formed the atmosphere, and the light was contained in the atmosphere. And the shafts of the sun met the shafts of the light in the atmosphere and gave birth to light. Then there was light upon the face of the earth, and the heat was also contained in the atmosphere).

4. Let the gases that are within the earth raise the land above the face of the waters.

5. Let life come forth in the waters. (And the shafts of the sun met the shafts of the earth in the mud of the waters and there formed cosmic eggs (life germs) out of particles of the mud. Out of these cosmic eggs came forth life as commanded.

6. Let life come forth upon the land. (And the shafts of the sun met the shafts of the earth in the dust of the land, and out of it formed cosmic eggs; and from these cosmic eggs came forth life upon the earth as was commanded).

7. Let us make man after our own fashion, and let us endow him with powers to rule this earth.


Then Narayana, the Seven-headed Intellect, the Creator of all things throughout the universe, created man, and placed within his body a living, imperishable spirit, and man became like Narayana in intellectual power. Then was creation complete". 


Churchward claimed Mu was where The Garden of Eden was originally.














Swastika - The 'four' right angles or two sided squares represent 'The Four Great Builders of the Universe' - the four original gods which come out of and are in The Deity executing his commands thereby representing 'the full godhead of five'. The circle in the middle of 'The Four Great Builders of the Universe' represents 'The Deity'. The right angles of the Swastika also represent the hieroglyph for 'builder'. 

According to Churchward, Mu was a tropical country with vast plains which were covered with rich grazing grasses and tilled fields. The low rolling hills were shaded by luxuriant growths of tropical vegetation. There were no mountains or mountain ranges as they had not yet been formed from the earth. The land was watered by streams and rivers which curved and bent around the wooded hill and fertile plains. The land was rich in vegetation, lotus flowers, shrubs and trees, and nature filled the ground and air.

The lotus flower was sacred to the Mu as it was the first flower to 'beautify' the earth. The land was infra-structured with smooth roads in all directions. The construction was done so well that grass could not grow between the stones. The island had trade and commerce and ships were constantly carrying passengers and merchandise to and from the various colonies.


However, earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami's shook the south end of Mu, and after the disasters ceased the inhabitants rebuilt their communities, trade and commerce again. Generations later, earthquakes struck again. Temples and palaces became dust and cities were heaps of ruin. Fires of the earth's crust burst through the earth and filled the heavens, tsunami's struck from the shores and all things living were destroyed whilst the inhabitants called on 'Mu' to save them. As the sun set, the island sank into an abyss of fire that was later engulfed in fifty million square miles of water. 

Only a handful of people survived on the ridges and points of the newly formed islands (The Pacific Islands). However these islands were barren of all life. The survivors had no tools, no clothing, no shelter, no food and little land. As generation after generation came to pass, the traditions of their past became dim, until at last, forgotten. 


















"Mu and her 64,000,000 people were sacrificed" (Troano Manuscript). 

Lemuria - The Motherland of Man

The Naacal Tablets spoke of 'Creation' and began as follows: - 

"Originally, the universe was only a soul or spirit. Everything was without life-calm, silent, soundless. Void and dark was the immensity of space. Only the Supreme Spirit, the great Self-existing power, the Creator, the Seven-headed Serpent, moved within the abyss of darkness.

"The desire came to Him to create worlds and He created worlds; and the desire came to Him to create the earth, with living things upon it, and He created the earth and all therein. The seven superlative intellects of the Seven-headed Serpent gave seven commands: -

1. Let the gases which are without form and scattered through space be brought together, and out of them let the earth be formed.

2. Let the gases solidify to form the earth.

The Island

Mu was a vast stretch of rolling country, extending from the north of Hawaii down towards the south. It was over 5000 miles from east to west and over 3000 miles from north to south. The continent consisted of three areas of land, divided from each other by narrow channels or seas. Mu had 64,000,000 inhabitants of which were ten tribes all under one government, the king 'Ra Mu' - The Empire of the Sun. The 'Ra Mu' was the High Priest and was not to be worshipped as he was only a representative of 'The Great Source'.

The Mu had one religion and worshipped their deity through symbols. They believed in the immortality of the soul which returned to the 'Great Source' from whence it came on death. Their lifestyle was considered highly civilized and enlightened. There was no savagery on the face of the earth, nor had there ever been. The dominant race in the land of Mu was a white race, and other inhabitants included 'yellow', 'brown or black' skinned people.

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