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Know Thyself & You Will Know The Universe

Melchizedek - King of Salem is mentioned in Genesis 14:18 where upon he meets Abram after Abram's slaying of the kidnappers of Lot. At this time Melchizedek was also considered to be the Levite priest of the most high God. King David in Psalms 110:4 is then attributed to The Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is then mentioned throughout Hebrews 7 and in verse 3 as being "...without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life".





To allow men and women to have a personal experience of the Divine without having to resort to a particular creed. This The 'Order' (Priesthood) was designed to help those that want to excel to their Higher Selves.

To bestow members with high moral standards and raise members to their ultimate spiritual conscious level. One must strive to be reunited with their/our Creator, Lord and Personal Saviour, Heru, the earliest form of the biblical Jesus. Esoterically, it is the "Awakened Soul". Occultly, it is known as the "Higher Self". 'Metaphysically, this is the Netcher Ptah, The Ta Meri earliest form of Buddha, and the latter form Muhammad, the "7th Seal of the Prophet" symbolizing the 7th Crown Chakram (Chakra). 

To live in Universal Order, Cosmic Alignment and in tune with Nature (Forces of Nature/Elements... Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Light & Thought).

To maintain Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Righteousness [Integrity] and Order [Harmony / Balance] (Maa/Ma'at).

To build Health and Wellness Centres, Educational Institutions, Farms etc...

To learn Natural Law (Laws of Nations, linking back to the Family of Nations etc...), Common (Sense) Law (Reasoning), Human Rights, Indigenous Law (International Law) and etc...

To establish Theatres, Museums, Temples (Mosques, Churches, Shrines), Shamanistic Practices and ALL sciences that brings balance to (connection for) Humanity (Ancestral).



The Universal Life force Energy which is abundant, is red like blood and is named 'Pranic Energy'. 

The 'Breath of Life' is the union of the lungs and trachea which allows the brain and nervous system to activate the conscious union of the body and brain. This experience of the consciousness (union of body and brain) is critical to being alive. The brain and body are not separate, although they seem to be from a ';thinking' and 'experiencing' standpoint; yet, neither exists or operates without the other. This union is critical to life. It is in this living union of the brain and body, that we experience physical life, and the opportunities to live a life of: positive qualities such as harmony, bliss, unconditional love, and liberation, or negative qualities such as fetters of negativity, dogma, constriction, restriction and hinderance.

The Smai Symbol is also a symbol of life and represents our original living nature which we experience in our first breath, our awakening, our resurrection. 

The 'Breath of Life' which empowers the union of the body and brain, is symbolized by receiving the Ankh (life) from the gods and goddess (Netcher: Elements and functions of existence). For a person to receive the Ankh, one must be able to breath in the life (Prana, chi, ki, mana, vril, through the lungs and trachea (Smai), as symbolized by the image above where the Ngu/Per Ahh with the Serpent (Kundalini to the third eye) on the forehead and headdress of Amun-Re symbology, this signifies our Original Divine Nature as the master of existence and the identity of the creator-being Amun-Re. Tehuti is the divinity that represents consciousness, which provides the Ankh (breath of life): the ability to breathe and be alive. This symbolizes that consciousness endowels the body and brain with Life, and that we exist in our Original Nature as a divine master and creator of our own existence.








Sut - Ba'Ra, Ba'Ur, Ba'Al [Baa], Ba'El or Set, Sutekh, Sut-Nahsi, the Black Asar[u] (Osiris), the Black Krishna, or the Black Christ. Sut means "Black", "South(ern)".

Tekh - The word "Talk" is derived from Tekh). Tekh means "Power", "Thirst", "To Drink Too Much", "Drunkenness". Tekh is the Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama'atian / Egyptian) name of the Ibis Bird, a form of Te-HU-TI (Thoth, Thought) or Divine Intelligence and/or a form of Shu, The Breath of Life. In The Old Testament (Tankh), Sut Tekh is Yacub (Jacob meaning the Supplanter) or Djewhurty (Te-HU-Ti, IAO or Y-ha-ho, Jehovah, Yahuwah, Ya Hawwah [Ma'at, his wife, consort, symbolizing the Feminine Living Principle, the Mother of All Living Things, The Kundalini Shakti, Umbilini] DNA, the four Amino Acids). In the New Testament Sut Tekh is Judas/Lucifer/Sat-An, all symbolic to the Lower-Self [Sebek] or the Sexual Organs [Penile Gland/Head of the Penis, Prostate Gland, Testes, Ovary, Uterus] which is often times used excessively and pervertedly.
















The Seven Liberal Arts, which formed the foundation training for all Neophytes included: Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic and Geometry, Astronomy and Music.

1st degree educates the student in the coarse or base aspects of medicine and is known as Pastorphoros (All known and unknown sciences);

2nd degree Neocoros, focuses on the standard structural energy of medicines, such as, the energy of shapes (squares, pyramids, triangles, obelisks);

3rd degree Melanophoros - the student learns the energy forces of non-polarised energy, such as, the Melanin-DNA energy state, which is created between the death and life state;

4th degree Kistophorus - the student learns how to will the inherent law of plants, crystals, metals, colours, magnets, music etc.;

5th degree Balahate - the student learns the science of nature and interactions of alchemical laws;

6th degree Astronomos - the student learns cycles, astrology, numerology and the manipulations of the cosmic forces and their reaction in the cells, thoughts, biochemistry, organs, bones, emotions, vitamins and minerals in the body and on the galaxy;

7th degree Propheta - the student learns all the secrets of the higher mystery system and becomes a god (Ph.D.). Summum bonum is a Moorish Latin expression meaning "the highest good", which was introduced by Cicero, to correspond to the idea of the Good in Ancient Minoa (Crete/Etrusci) philosophy. 

















Initiation into the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Melchizedek is only by way of being an United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muur National.

1. One must be willing to relinquish the grip of the EGO over one's behaviour, deed and actions and rightfully desire the emergence of the lower self.

2. One must possess high moral standards and is able to withstand the temptations of the world. One must learn development of detachment from reactions and (wrong) desires.

3. One must be willing to work daily through, proper breathing, meditation, prayer, exercises and diet to develop one's spiritual gifts. But at the same time realise that your gifts are NOT the end of the road of your spiritual development, they are simply its beginning. 

4. One must learn how to focus on one's earthly mission and spiritual purpose in life and one's intentions in every situation. 































The Royal Black Institution which is an entirely separate facet of Freemasonry from the above, consists of eleven degrees. In The Royal Black Institute of Masonry, on receiving the working of The 8th Gold Star & Garter Degree, candidates are then initiated into The Order of Melchizedek. The degrees are as follows: –

(1) Royal Black degree – Click
(2) Royal Scarlet Degree – Click
(3) Royal Mark degree – Click
(4) Apron and Royal Blue degree – Click
(5) Royal White degree – Click
(6) Royal Green degree – Click
(7) Gold Crown degree – Click
(8) Star and Garter degree – Click
(9) Crimson Arrow degree – Click
(10) Link and Chain degree – Click
(11) Red Cross degree – Click

Death -  The Rau, teaches that the sick body or even dead body could be filled with Divine Power so as to cast out illness and disease. In relation to a dead body, it is believed that the ethereal/silver cord is still partially attached and could be filled with divine power. The Rau teaches that the sick body can be cured by various plants or herbs, for every illness of human beings there exists a herb to heal that illness. 


Khu - as in Akhu, means 'protected' a form of Te-HU-Ti, the husband of Ma'at, the Truth Law. Te-HU-Ti is the Sacred Word, the Moon God and since the Moon has no light of its own, it uses the light of the sun (Heru) to shine down on us at night [Shadow Time]. Te-HU-Ti's symbol is the Ibis Bird or the Phoenix, it means the glorious light body, a form of the spirit; the radiant shining; the transfigured dead which ascends to heaven and dwells among the gods or among the immortal pole stars which never set. 

The Ankh - symbolizes the birthing, maintaining, and empowering of consciousness and is shown as a loop and shaft tied together, symbolizing a living being with the heart as the knot in the middle. The heart is considered the centre of our existence and consciousness, however, it does expand to the centre of the brain, the Pineal Gland, where the Soul is embedded. The Breath of Life (Ankh) is therefore considered the Life-Force of the Heart (The physical Seed Atom is located in the right ventricle of the heart). The Body therefore is an air-gas engine that runs on air (Ankh, Breath of Life). It is the breath, not food, that sustains the Consciousness in the body-brain physical existence. The Ankh therefore represents air being used to vitalize the heart, through which the circulatory system and blood, enliven the body and brain in order for a living being to experience physical existence. This is very significant for Kemetic Yoga in many ways. 

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