"The Rothschilds are the wonders of modern banking. Sprung from that poetic, that ancient, that mysterious race, from whom we derive all our religion and half of our civilisation, we see the descendants of Judah, after a persecution of two thousand years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, and holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands. The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburgh to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people. He holds the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing. To what will all this lead? Is the holy city to be re-built? - The third temple to rear its turrets to heaven? No. The lion of the tribe of Judah, baron Rothschild, possessers more real force than David - more wisdom than Solomon. What do they care for the barren seacoast of Palestine? They are the brokers and counselors of the kings of Europe, and of the republican chiefs of America. What more can they desire?" We understand that an accomplished and beautiful daughter of this house, is married to an American, and intends soon to make New York her permanent residence. The beauty of Judah is not departed, nor is the strength of the house of Israel weakened". (New York Herald) as quoted in Niles Weekly Register. 1836. p. 41.
The 13 Families - The 13 Bloodlines
According to David Icke (1999), 'The 13' "...have Reptilian DNA which allows them to shapeshift into Reptilian form. The consumption of 'new-born's' is a delicacy, and the leader of 'The 13' is called 'The Pindar'. Whosoever is given the title 'The Pindar' is said to report to a purebred Reptilian leader who lives underground. The Pindar is a male member of one of these families. Pindar means "The Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as "The Penis of the Dragon" and represents power, control, invasion, expansion, creation and fear". There are two schools of thought on these 13 families. However, who better to tell us than one of the 13? According to Elizabeth II (Windsor), her bloodline comes from the Norse god Woden. Icke proposes the 13 families are: -
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha);
The second school of thought on these 13 families is that of Fritz Springmeier (1998), a Christian Illuminati researcher, and author of the book 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati'. Springmeier proposes that the 13 families are: -
Li (李)
Van Duyn
Springmeier also proposes that 'The 13' were anointed by Satan in Ancient Babylon. 12 of the bloodlines were blessed by Satan in mockery of The 12 Tribes of Israel. The 13th bloodline (from which 'the anti-christ' is to be born) is Satan's direct 'seed' and was passed down through The Satanic House of David and The French Merovingian bloodline. In the present day the claim is that they receive instructions directly from Satan "in the flesh". Other theorists state, "In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods (The Annunaki) and consider themselves royal" (Humans Are Free, 2013).
In terms of hierarchy, below the 13 families are their 'second-in-command' families. These families do the biddings of the 13 families, cannot shape-shift but have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA, and are known as "The Committee of 300".
The lines of the Austrian Rothschild family were given Austrian nobility and five hereditary titles - 'Barons of the Habsburg Empire' by Emperor Francis II in 1816. The British line of the Rothschild family was given two hereditary titles of 'Baronet and Baron' by Queen Victoria. The Rothschild have their own 'coat of arms'. This is a clenched fist with five arrows symbolising the five dynasties established by the five sons. The marriages in the family were arranged, mostly between first and second cousins.
The Rothschilds are also known to have benefited from 'The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade', (Hoyos, C, 2009), and by creating the African country 'Rhodesia', and a subsequent colony, the family started their mining enterprises, Rio Tinto Mining. In 1840, one of Germany's first railways were opened which had been financed by the Rothschild's. During the industrialisation of Europe, the family financed railways systems and government projects such as The Suez Canal. During the 19th century, the family bought up a large proportion of the property in Mayfair, London.
The Rothschild family were directly involved in the independence of Brazil from Portugal in the early 19th century on the agreement that Brazil should pay compensation to the Portuguese, which the Rothschilds raised. In addition, for Portugal to recognise Brazil's independence, Brazil had to take over Portugal's loan repayments of £1,500,000 - to The Rothschild's. Brazil's independence was secured in 1825.
"Major 19th century businesses founded with Rothschild family capital include:
Alliance Assurance (1824) (now Royal & Sun Alliance);
Chemin de Fer du Nord (1845)
The Rio Tinto mining company (1873)
Eramet (1880)
Imerys (1880)
De Beers (1888)", (, 2015-2016).
By the end of the century, the family had over 41 palaces, an extensive art collection and enormous wealth. In 1887, the Rothschild's loaned money to and invested in, The De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, becoming its largest shareholders. In 1910, The US Federal Reserve was set up by the Rothschild's with the Warburg family. The banking system was thus re-formed in the US and belonged to 'The 13'. It was held in 'The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit' that: "The Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA [The Federal Tort Claims Act], but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations" - (Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982)). The same can be said for The Bank of England.
The Papal States & The Vatican
In February 1648 aged 22, Shabbetai Zevi, a Lurianic Kabbalist professed to be the new messiah, however on 16 September 1666 after plotting to take the crown from The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Shabbetai converted to Islam when he was given three choices by the Visir (right hand man to The Sultan). The choices were: - 1. Be subject to a firing squad of arrows where he could prove his divinity; 2. be impaled; or, 3. convert to Islam. Zevi chose Islam. He died in 1676. However, the Shabbetai movement had already begun, and in 1755 Jakob Frank, a Polish-Jew began to profess his revelations and that he was a reincarnation of Zevi through 'the Godhead' which allows for the reincarnation of the leaders of the sect (Manuelian, 2014).
The teachings of the Shabbatean Frankists Jewish sect were found in 'The Zohar' written in the 13th century by 'Moses de Leon', a Spanish scholar. According to David Livingstone (2013), Gershom Scholem wrote,"...the Frankists sought the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief, and they dreamed of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt”.
According to Scholem, some of Frank’s followers were accepted into the administration and aristocracy of The Habsburgs.
In 1773, Mayer Rothschild invited twelve other wealthy and influential men (The 13), to join the plot for 'The New World Order' and the Frankist ideology. Thus, German born Philosopher and ex-Jesuit Priest Adam Weishaupt, re-established 'The Illuminati' (a secret order within the secret order of The Freemasons) with a view towards the commencement of overthrowing the world's religions. The Rothschild's then convinced Weishaupt to accept The Lurianic Kabbalah doctrine and provided the finance to exercise the objective of instituting a global government to one day be ruled by 'their Messiah'.
If you wish to investigate 'prophecy/destiny/fate' etc. and The NWO, this can be found all over the internet. However, for ease of reference 'The agenda of The New World Order can be found in 'The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion' which bears an uncanny resemblance to 'The Secret Covenant of The Illuminati/Annunaki' which makes for easier reading. It should be noted that the protocols have been labelled 'a conspiracy about a conspiracy', whilst the origin of this 'secret covenant' remains 'unknown'. However, do you really need 'documents/paperwork' to see what is before your very eyes?
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."
Gutle Schnaper (Rothschild), 1849 (Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife)
(Hitchcock, 2010)
The History of The Rothschild Family
The name 'Rothschild' derives from the German rot Schild which means 'Red Shield'. The first in the family was Izaak Elchanan Bauer born in 1577. In 1744, Mayer Amschel Bauer was born in Frankfurt, Germany. He was the son of Amschel Moses Bauer (a Jewish goldsmith who owned a coin shop and traded with The Prince of Hesse). Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to 'Rothschild' which means "Red Shield" in old German and with the permission of Prince William, placed a red shield above the door of the coin shop featuring a “Star of David”. Charles IV granted this 'red shield' to the Prague Jews. The shield is affiliated with the Frankist doctrine.
Mayer had five sons and developed a finance house passing the wealth to his sons to be located in the five main European financial centres, Frankfurt, Vienna, London, Naples, Paris. Their assets were held in financial instruments circulating as stocks, bonds and debts, and by keeping the banks in the family, this allowed them to keep their fortunes secret. This practice was later followed by other Jewish financiers who obtained credit with the banking fraternities in general and an increasing share of international finance during the 19th century.
International Takeover
The Rothschild provided £9.8 million to the British continental allies in The Napoleonic Wars in 1815 alone. Gold was transported by the family through agents, shippers and couriers across Europe. Nathan Rothschild was given political and financial information before his peers which made the family more invaluable to the British government. Such information included the news of the victory at The Battle of Waterloo a full day ahead of the government's official messengers. Nathan immediately bought up the government bond market, for what at the time seemed an excessively high price, before waiting two years, then in 1817, he sold them for a 40% profit. In 1818, he arranged a £5 million (equal to £330 million in 2015) loan to the Prussian government, and the issuing of bonds for government loans, formed a mainstay of his bank’s business. In 1825-1826, he provided The Bank of England with enough money to evade liquidation. As well at The Napoleonic Wars, The Rothschild's funded the Japanese government in their war against Russia.
Nowadays, if someone even dares to mention 'The New World Order' out loud, you can be sure that if the straight jacket tactic isn't an instant option, then the vast majority will find themselves conveniently engaged in something else, and the individual with 'those ideas about The New World Order' will soon find themselves ostracised. Why? What is the purpose of this 'wilful ignorance' towards an imminent future for us all? 'Acceptance - fear of being 'labelled'? 'Fear - of the consequences?,' 'Conformity - in fear of the rules made by those who will be just as quick to remove them on the say so of the hierarchy above them?'. The common denominator in all of those answers is 'Fear'.
It therefore appears strikingly obvious that 'The Agenda of the NWO' is already working in the sub-conscious/conscious minds of those it is designed to 'control', and the illusion of 'the haves' and the have nots (Marx) continues.
So ultimately, if our very freedom and lives, and the lives of our children are not worth the stand, what is? Are we then all doomed to continue in the 'illusion' that has lasted for millennia?
Those who have a hope in their religious belief take the stance of 'prophecy', 'destiny', 'fate' etc. However, has the majority of mankind across the planet really come to a stage where we feel that all we can do is leave it to our Creator whilst we wallow in this unchallenged illusive deception? Where are those who wear the armour of The Ultimate Power? Where are those who truly believe 'the truth shall set you free?' Where are those who are not afraid and believe? Where are those who are ready to fight for the truth?
The Rothschild & Figli bank arranged substantial loans to The Papal States and to various Kings of Naples, The Duchy of Parma and The Grand Duchy of Tuscany. In the early 19th century, the Rothschild's built up close relations with The Vatican Bank and the association between the family and The Vatican continued into the 20th century. In 1832, when Pope Gregory XVI met Carl von Rothschild, observers were shocked that Rothschild was not required to kiss the Pope's feet which was a requirement for all other visitors to the Pope, including monarchs. The 1906 Jewish Encyclopaedia described the Rothschilds as "the guardians of the papal treasure". Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, bought parts of the land of present day Israel from Ottoman landlords. The Rothschild's also played a significant part in the funding of Israel's governmental infrastructure.
Today, "...the Rothschilds control The Bank of England, The Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, The IMF, The World Bank and The Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as The London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet-estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion", (Pete Papaherakles, 2012). 'Together, the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's and Morgans (Knights of Malta) do the biddings of The Jesuit Order to bring the pope to world domination' (Gordon, 2015).
NOTE: This is not a quote, or is it?
NOTE: This is not a quote, just the truth.