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"Natural Magic is the art of exercising that spiritual power within one's self which enables his awakened spirit to control the living elements". Rodgers, J. (1908).


This book describes how Enoch allegedly went to the 10th heaven and saw god. He was then given writing material to document what he had seen to take back to mankind. During his visit, Enoch stated he saw Adam and Eve, and 'sat next to god' on his left side after being instructed to purify himself with the assistance of Archangel Michael. Enoch was then told the story of Creation, and repeatedly told that there was no god but the god he was with.

In chapter 38, Methuselah 'heard' Enoch arrive home as he was awaiting Enoch's return. Enoch then passed on all what he had seen to his people. He remained on the Earth for 30 days and was then 'taken up'. Chapter 671. "When Enoch had talked to the people, the Lord sent out darkness on to the earth, and there was darkness, and it covered those men standing with Enoch, and they took Enoch up on to the highest heaven, where the Lord (is); and he received him and placed him before his face, and the darkness went off from the earth, and light came again. 2. And the people saw and understood not how Enoch had been taken, and glorified God, and found a roll in which was traced The Invisible (spiritual) God; and all went to their dwelling places". 

Now, in the mind of physics and logic, String Theory states there are 10 dimensions, M Theory states there are 11 dimensions. So if we are to consider the whole matter of Enoch's writings as based on him experiencing inter-dimensional travel, then I have several points to raise for contemplation and discussion: -

  • Firstly, inter-dimensional travel with spiritual beings does not allow one to bring material back to 3D. The only account that I am aware of that involves 4D material being brought to 3D is when the Archangel Gabriel brought DNA material to 3D. This is discussed later. 3D material can be taken to 4D, for example, the precious stones mined by the Igigi and then the early humans, but not the other way round. However, Enoch states he was given this writing material in 10D (the 10th heaven);

  • Enoch's first ever conversation with Adam and Eve since their death in 3D, consisted of him cursing them for their sin. Now he is visiting them - ascended beings, his forefathers, his god's first creations. Yet Enoch had nothing else to say or ask them? Did he realise that he would not exist if they had not 'sinned'?;

  • Enoch then finds himself sitting next to god with the Archangel Gabriel where he's then given the account of how god created the heavens and the earth etc. in 7 days - 1 day being equal to 1000 days i.e. 7000 days in total. This would mean creation took 19.15 years in total if we use the 365.5 days as 1 year;

  • The god that Enoch encounters feels the need to reiterate several times to Enoch that there is no other god but him, and all of mankind must worship him. Why the ego trip and Jedi mind trick? My point here is that this was not god. The Ultimate Power has no need to prove anything to any human - hence the title - 'God';

  • Enoch described leaving Earth on the wings of angels and being placed on a cloud. When he looked up he stated he saw the ether and a 'great sea' bigger than the sea on Earth. This was the anti-diluvian world so there was water in the earth's atmosphere, and if he was on the clouds, he would rightly see the water. However, he does not make mention of actually going through the 'great sea', nor did he describe any other event to indicate inter-dimensional travel.

In consideration of the above it leads me to think that Enoch never left this dimension or this planet at all. He never stated that he passed through 'the great sea', nor did he describe experiences that coincide with inter-dimensional travel (particularly if he brought writing material back with him, Methuselah 'heard' him returning, and, there was darkness when 'the aircraft' came to fetch him,). I therefore further conclude Adam and Eve were in fact the shape-shifting Anunnaki.




Elijah was from Gilead (east of the River Jordan and just north of The Dead Sea). He was a high ranking sorcerer whose training was of The Levitical Order of Melchizedek (Malachi 2: 1-4). King Melchizedek was located in Salem, Jerusalem. Elijah had the authority to anoint men as kings (1 Kings 19, 15 - 16), which was only granted to those of a certain stature i.e. Initiates of The Order of Melchizedek.






(Note: at this point there is reference to Elijah stating that the water should be poured "...on the burnt sacrifice" (1 Kings 18: 33)). My question is how was this a burnt sacrifice if the god Baal did not light the altar in the first place? How did the sacrifice get burnt? See Leviticus 6:9-13.


So Elijah called on the lord god of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel and the fire 'fell', meaning it came down from the sky and consumed the burnt sacrifice, wood, stones and the dust and water and the trench. The people then fell on their faces to worship lord god. Elijah then instructed that the prophets of Ba-al be killed. 2 Kings 1 then consists of Elijah calling on lord god to consume King A-ha-zi-ah's men.

In 2 Kings 2:9-12, Elijah was taken up to heaven by 'a chariot of fire, and horses of fire'. Elisha was the last person to see him alive as Elijah was never seen again. Elisha, then followed in Elijah's footsteps as an Initiate of The Order of Melchizedek. 









There is a book available on-line entitled 'The Testament of Solomon' which attributes the building of the temple of Solomon to demons, and Solomon commanding these demons with a ring. Whilst this text would be ideal for the purposes of this page and in exposing these charlatans, having read it, I do not believe it to be authentic i.e. written by Solomon. This is because of the inaccuracies in the details about the temple when compared with The King James Bible and The Septuagint version. After all it was his temple and he was the master builder.


In conclusion, Enoch was conned into believing he was in 10D, and Elijah and Elisha and many others we have read about in the bible were not demonstrating the actions of 'natural law'. These were the actions of 'magi' calling on their deity prior to performing what was considered 'a miracle'. These people were not 'heroes of old' demonstrating The Ultimate Power of The One True God, they were initiates of The Artificial Light. They were demon servants, warlocks of craft and scorcerers.


Also see the 'Avatars' section which is the next page.







The main accounts of craft performed by Elijah, include 1 Kings 17, 10, 15 - 24. Elijah had took up shelter with a widow and her son, however her son fell sick and died. Elijah prayed to his god and laid upon the boy three times. The boy was revived.

Elijah then met with King Ahab of Israel and advised him that Israel was suffering as they were now following the god Ba-a-lim (Baal). Elijah then told the king to meet him on Mount Carmel with his prophets and the children of Israel. Elijah then negotiated with the children of Israel that if they performed a sacrifice to their god Baal and he to his god (lord god), then whosoever proved to be the more powerful, the people would then worship that god. So the priests dressed a bullock, put it on the altar but did not light it as instructed. They were expecting their god Ba-al to light it. So they called on their god Ba-al from morning until noon. However, the altar did not light so they began to cut themselves until they bled. The altar still did not light by the evening.

Elijah then took 12 stones (equal to the 12 tribes of Israel) and built an altar with a trench around it. The trench was filled with four barrels of water that were first poured over the altar. Elijah then gave instruction for the bullock to be cut into pieces and placed on the wood. He then called for the trench to be wet with water for the second and the third time.


Solomon was the son of King David whose kingdom - Israel extended from The Euphrates River (Syria) to The River of Egypt (bordering The Sinai Peninsula). 

When David had taken the Ark of The Covenant to Israel, 1 Chronicles 15: 17 - 18 then narrates the initiation of musicians and singers into the first and second degree of The Order of Melchizedek by the Levite priests as instructed by David.

Solomon was of the Tribe of Judah. 1 Kings 6 narrates the construction of Solomon's Temple. Chapter 7:21 then describes the construction of the masonic pillars Ja-chin and Bo-az which are the two main foundation pillars in modern day Freemasonry. Solomon named one of the pillars in his temple after Boaz his great great grand-dad (Ruth 4: 18 - 22). Jachin was a priest of the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 9:10). Jachin was the name of the second pillar in the temple of Solomon. The Ark of the Covenant was then placed in the temple (1 Kings 8: 6). 



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