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Genesis - The Salvageable Truth













In the beginning God created the dimensions. Within each of these dimensions are the respective universes, with planets, suns, moons, stars etc.

With the use of The Eternal Flame, God then created celestial beings i.e. angels. After which God then created 'souls' which is what we are. Nature and evolution does play a part in all of this, however it is not the primary root of our existence as 'souls'. 

I am not one to create stories. This website is called The Ultimate Truth for that very reason. This is what I believe and therefore, I leave the rest up to you to decide. I do however have a question.....









2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


Note: There is no reference to the Adam of Genesis 2 being made in the lord god's image. (These humanoids had to be given something else as these actions alone does not support the ability to think for ones self i.e. the 'divine spark' as referred to in Theosophy. These actions only support function. In addition, these humanoids did not have souls that continue to exist on death as described later on on the page 'Soul Search'. These humanoids were 'given' souls when the 5D beings descended. This is explained on the next page). 


Genesis 3: 9, 14-21

These 'gods' are not omnipotent, nor omnipresent as Lord God was asking Adam "Where art thou?".

Adam and Eve and the rest of their generations were cursed for eating of the Tree of Life, Adam and Eve were made homeless and banished from The Garden for their newly found sexual awareness.

The lord god then killed an animal(s) to clothe Adam and Eve.

Genesis 4:1-11

Abel in particular was slaughtering animals for sacrifice to the lord god which was accepted, whilst Cain's sacrifice which was of the ground was not accepted.

Cain was then cursed, branded and banished for killing Abel.

Genesis 6:3, 7, 5-7

The lord god removed his 'spirit' (life-force) from man forever giving them a reduced 120 years of life (maximum).

The lord god then decided to commit genocide.










Genesis 14:12-15

When Lot (Abram's nephew) was kidnapped, Abram took his men (318) and slew the kidnappers in camp, and chased the rest to Dan. On Abram's return from this slaughter, the High Priest (Melchizedek), brought out bread and wine to Abram and tithes (money) and blessed him for his slaughterings. 

Genesis 17:11-13

The lord god instructs Abraham to mutilate his genitalia and that of his kinsman as a covenant between him and the lord god.

Genesis 18: 1-8, 20

The lord god and his two companions appear to Abraham and Sarah and stop by for tea (.........)

The lord god decided he's going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin.






Exodus 20:1 - 26

This gives an account of the 'law of Moses' which states, 'Thou shalt not kill'. And, so it follows in the following chapter (Exodus 21:12), that anyone who smote a man so that he died, was to be put to death, and so was anyone who cursed their parents (Exodus 21:17).

The Israelites then invaded Canaan and smote everyone residing there on the instruction that the land was promised to them by the lord god. The killing then continues through-out the Old Testament in the name of the lord god.

Does this god sound like an omnipresent, omnipotent god of love and creation, mercy and compassion, with his creations' best interests at heart? This is just a snippet of the leadership/actions/behaviours/teachings of The Anunnaki; aka Jehovah aka Yahweh aka Allah, and their 'minions'.

"The Church teaches that God is the source of all perfect and that the whole world, visible and invisible, is His creation. Yet one does not need to be a philosopher to observe that in this world of ours moral and physical evil - suffering, cruelty, decay, death - is abundantly present. How then can God, the supreme Good, be the cause of suffering and evil ? Must He be held responsible for wars, epidemics, the oppression of the poor by the rich ?....The Bogomils (A Medieval Gnostic sect) had an answer which was at least logical and consistent; evil and pain are inherent in this world because the world is the creation of the Evil One". The Byzantine Commonwealth, Obolensky.

2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Genesis 8:1, 21

The lord god then 'remembered' Noah whom he had left in the middle of a catastrophic world-wide deluge.

Immediately after exiting the ark, a host of cattle were slaughtered as burnt offerings which was 'sweet' to the lord god. (???)

Genesis 9:3-6

The lord god then ordered that any living thing that moved was consumable.

The lord god then decided that if a man/woman or beast slew a man/woman, then the perpetrator (man/woman or beast) was to be slain. Also, if the beast was held to have acted 'out of control' in the past, and slew a person at a later date, and the owner didn't put it down in the past, then the owner was also to be slain. (Exodus 21: 28-29) What? Seriously?

Genesis 11: 6-8

The lord god decided that mankind was making too much progress with the Tower of Babel and as a result divided mankind by making their languages in-comprehensible to each other.

Given that from ground level to an altitude of 6.1 km supplemental oxygen is required to support life, was that really necessary?


Genesis 12: 3, 11-20; Genesis 13:13; 2:1-18.

The 'discriminative' lord god told Abram that regardless of his actions, the lord god would bless those that blessed him and curse those that cursed him. This is the man who sold his wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt and then to the King of Gerar under the pretence she was "only" his sister. These kings were then either plagued by disease or infertility, and/or warned in visions as a result of what they considered to be 'fair-trade'. Really?

Genesis 22:2-13

The lord god ordered the sacrifice of Isaac as a 'test'! Since when was child sacrifice required, and why would you agree to do it? No God that I believe in would ask that of anyone.

The lord god then changes his mind when Abraham was about to slay Isaac and instead provided a ram. (Pre and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder anyone)?


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