The 'Hierarchy' of Freemasonry and The Illuminati pyramid.
The 'Three Degrees' within a Blue lodge are the stepping stones to the rest of the freemasonry 'Order'. These degrees teach 'brotherly love, relief and truth'. The lodges are within various areas of the UK as listed on the website. The 'United Grand Lodge of England and Wales' only recognises The Holy Royal Arch Degree after the 'three degrees', and therefore The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales, confers the degree of Mark Master Mason (The York Rite) and upwards. 'The Secret Master' (4° degrees), and upwards to 17° via The Scottish Rite (Rose Croix), are conferred by name only.
The Double Headed Falcon = Heru-Set (Horus-Set).
Perfection of Candidates - 18°, can be performed by Chapters - The Rose Croix Order. The 19° to 29° are conferred by name only. 'Masons of 30° and above are then initiated into the 'Illuminati'. (Marquis, D, 1998). The higher degrees 30°+ are generally conferred by The Supreme Council.
If a mason has served in the chair of The Chapter, then they may progress to 30° - The Grand Elected Knight Kadosh. This is followed by 31° - The Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander, 32° - Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, and The 33° - Sovereign Grand Inspector General.
After completion of The Three Degrees, a mason can go on to be conferred to 'Mark Master Mason' by The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales. Once the degree of Mark Master Mason is held for four weeks, a mason can join 'The Order of The Holy Royal Arch'. This is the only Order recognised by The UGLE as masons can join a number of other 'Orders'.
Following the degree of Mark Master Mason, is Past Master, Most Excellent Master and 'The Royal Arch Mason Degree'. However, Mark Master Masons can also join 'The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas’, (The Knights Templar). This is administered from The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales.
There are three degrees: 'Knights Templar, Knights of Malta', and 'Knights of St. Paul'. The Knights Templar is governed by 'The Great Priory' commanded by 'The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master'. Members of The Knights Templar' must believe in the Christian faith (i.e. Jesus is The Son of God & The Messiah), and be willing to defend that belief.
From The Knights Templar, it is then possible to move up to 'The Order of Knights Beneficent To The Holy City - Egyptian Grand Priory'.
The 'Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine' - Shriners, is a fraternity of freemasonry. To be a Shriner, one must first become a mason and complete the first 'three degrees'.
'The Fez' is worn by Shriners. The Crescent on the Fez is the 'Jewel of the Order' originally inscribed 'strength and fury'. Inside The Crescent is the claw of a Royal Bengal tiger. The Crescent and the tiger claw are joined in the middle by the head of a sphinx. The Sphinx represents the governing body of the Shriners which consists of 13 representatives known as The Imperial Council. The five pointed star represents the children assisted by the Shriners. The scimitar (curved blade) stands for the members of the fraternity being the backbone of the Shriners.
This is the last degree of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The ceremony is completed by The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals (emblem as pictured) and involves black hooded robes. The candidate is handed a human skull, upside down, with wine in it and recites the oath, "May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same".
The double headed falcon (as per the emblem for this rite) is representative of Heru-Set (Horus-Set)."Horus was regarded as a form of the Sun-god of the South, and Set as a form of the Sun-god of the North. Osiris in the Ancient Egyptian underworld". (The Book of Gates, Budge. E (1905)).
The central authority in The Scottish Rite (Rose Croix) is The Supreme Council which is led by nine 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals. All Members of The Supreme Council are members of the 33° as are The Grand Patron, the Inspector Generals who support and oversee each District, and some of the Supreme Council Officers.
Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals wear a Teutonic Cross on their left breast (as pictured).
The Headquarters is at: 10 Duke Street, St James’, London. SW1Y 6BS.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. There is no law beyond 'Do what thou wilt'. Love is the law, love under will". (The Law of Thelema).
In 1904, Aleister Crowley and his wife Rose were on honeymoon in Cairo, Egypt. Rose told Aleister to go to a particular room in their apartment everyday at 12pm exactly, and leave at 1pm exactly, for three days. The dates were, 8, 9 and 10th April. Whilst in the room, Aleister took down the notes of a demon called Aiwass which resulted in 'The Book of The Law'. This book is the religious and philosophical system of 'Thelema' - meaning 'Will' in Greek.
The O.T.O. claims it has no links with Freemasonry, however, headed by a Most Wise Sovereign, Chapters of Rose Croix Rite are bodies established by members of the O.T.O 'Lover Grade', 'The UK Grand Lodge' is the governing body of O.T.O. in the UK, and a document headed 'Brothers of Light' describes O.T.O degrees as a "high school of mystic masonry," and that only after a member has passed through freemasonry, may they become a member of O.T.O. Active members of O.T.O are known as 'Hermetic Brothers of Light or Illuminati' (Reuss, 2007).
The UK National Grand Master is Frater Hyperion X°, who was appointed in 2005. Membership in the U.K. Grand Lodge of O.T.O. also confers membership in O.T.O. (International). O.T.O is allegedly the 'cult that includes the majority of celebrities'.
The 'Ecclesiastical Gnostic Catholic Church (EGC)' is the 'church section' of O.T.O. International Headquarters is found in the USA. The Patriarch (Matriarch) is Frater Hyperion X°, who was appointed in 2005 and has charge of the clergy who must be members of O.T.O.
The Law of Thelema is the church's doctrine, and the holy book is The Book of The Law. Gnostic Mass was written by Aleister Crowley in 1913 and has six component ceremonies: -
"(1) The Ceremony of the Introit introduces the People and the officers to the temple.
(2) The Ceremony of the Rending of the Veil establishes the presidency of the Priestess and Priest at the High Altar.
(3) The Collects are a set of eleven prayers addressed to the Sun, Moon, Lord, Lady, Saints, Earth, Principles, Birth, Marriage, Death, and the End.
(4) The Consecration of the Elements identifies and prepares the sacramental food and drink.
(5) The Anthem celebrates the divine power informing the sacrament.
(6) The Mystic Marriage and Consummation of the Elements includes the perfection and consumption of the sacrament" (Scarlet Woman, 2007).
During 'The Ceremony of Introit', the recitation of the deacon and the people is: -
"I believe in one secret and ineffable LORD; and in one Star in the Company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and to which we shall return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery, in His name CHAOS, the sole viceregent of the Sun upon the Earth; and in one Air the nourisher of all that breathes.
And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON (Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations).
And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET (Sabbatic Goat).
And I believe in one Gnostic and Catholic Church of Light, Life, Love and Liberty, the Word of whose Law is ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (Thelema)" (O.T.O., 1995).
Egyptian Freemasonry of The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm (APRMM), and OCI
In relation to the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), 'The Ancient & Primitive Rite is considered 'secret', however a Master Mark Mason can join this rite. This Order originated in 1881 by combining two 'Egyptian' Rites, those of Memphis and of Misraim.
The characteristics of the APRMM include 'traditionalist, symbolic and initiatory, esoteric, deist of egyptian freemasonry. On their altars, are the Compass and the Square, the Rule, and the symbol of the Grand Architect of the Universe and of Divine Law. The Order calls the 'Sublime Architect of All Worlds' the “Principle Arranger that we can evoke under a hundred different names” and that “the human reason is as powerless to define as to deny” (International Masonic Order of Memphis-Misraim, 2007).
The Order has 99 degrees although not all of the degrees are 'worked in'. The first 33º are similar to those in The Scottish Rite. The 87º, 88º, 89º, and 90º are 'The Arcana Arcanorum'. 95º initiates become the protectors and conservators of the Rite 'Patriarch Grand Conservator'. From those who have obtained 95º, The International Grand Master will choose who will serve on the International Sovereign Sanctuary, supreme governing body of the Rite.
The last º's are: -
97º - Deputy International Grand Master,
98º - Grand Master International; Grand Hierophant Universal; Incognitos Superiors; (Order of the Enlightened Knights (O.C.I)),
99º - Grand Hierophant International; O.C.I.
100° - Emperor Sovereign Grand General Hierophant (only in Palermo (Italy) HQ's; retains the Sovereignty of the Rite while he is in charge of all continents on both hemispheres).
Knighthood (Chivalry) is given to the chosen Brothers with the 20th Degree (Knights Templar or Knight of the Temple), descended directly from The Ancient Strict Templar Observance and The Knights Beneficent of the Holy City.
The UK site is currently under construction, and in terms of structure, there is an Honorary Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the APRMM in the UK, an International Order, and an International Sovereign Sanctuary.
From the APRMM, the next Order is 'A∴A∴ (Arcana Arcanorum)' (if you have the right DNA).
This section does not focus on initiation, rather history and hierarchy. "When people talk about the Crown, they often believe that they’re referring to the British Monarchy. But contrary to popular belief, The British Monarchy and The Crown are two different entities" . (Independence Daily, 2012).
The Monarchy - Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Head of The Commonwealth and The Queen of 12 countries that have become independent since her accession: - Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis.
She is also The Head of The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta which is the Protestant equivalent of The Catholic Knights of Malta.
However, "The British Monarchy (Queen Elizabeth II) is subject to, or under The Crown of The City of London, The Jesuit owned financial, legal and professional controls capital of The Holy Roman Empire." (Lamont, 2012).
Such a claim arises from The Papacy.“The Holy Roman Empire, as the Church was frequently known, regarded itself to be a separate and independent sovereign that had shared power with The Crown (British Monarchy) since its agreement with English King, Henry I. However, in 1213 King John ended up giving England to The Papacy and receiving it back as a “fief” which meant that The Monarchy was now subordinate to Rome and required to pay homage to the Pope. (Richmond, 2011).
"In 1365 parliament debated the latest papal request for payment and concluded that John’s original surrender of the realm had been invalid since it had lacked the assent of the Bishops. This marked the formal end to ‘English recognition’ of the Pope’s sovereignty. However, a “…‘census’ was still being paid as late as 1534, on the very eve of Henry VIII’s final breach with Rome. Secondly, before John’s actions of 1213, there were rumours, in England as well as Rome, suggesting that John’s father, King Henry II, had already acknowledged the Pope not merely as his spiritual ruler but also as his feudal overlord. The papacy itself has never formally resigned its claim to tribute, census or overlordship. As a result – and factoring in inflation and compound interest – the amount of money owed in tribute from 1300 onwards would represent a sum that entirely dwarfs the national debt or the other liabilities of The English Crown, were the Pope, perhaps on his next visit to England, to obtain full settlement of arrears” (Prof. Vincent and Hodgman, 2010).
By contrast, "The Crown is in fact a privately owned corporation, it operates outside the realms of the British legal system and controls The Inner City Of London. The City Of London is often referred to as the square mile. It is currently recognised as the financial capital of the world and is the wealthiest square mile on the planet. With its own independent flag, laws & legislations, and its own privately owned police force, The Crown is an authority unto itself, it is a self-governing body, therefore, no government or governmental agency holds jurisdiction over The Crown or The Inner City of London. The City Of London isn’t officially recognised as a part of Britain. It is, instead, an independent nation-state operating within Britain (like The Vatican in Rome). It became a sovereign state in 1694 via King William III of Orange (Independence Daily, 2012; Websdale, 2013). (See also: - “The Corporation of London, Its Rights and Privileges’ by William Ferneley Allen - Lord Mayor of London from 1867 to 1868).
Subsequently, this Order of Malta, and The Monarchy are ultimately under the jurisdiction of The Jesuits.
There are various Orders within the Illuminati, which include: -
1. Fratres Lucis (Brotherhood of Light)
2. Order of the Illuminati (Ordo Illuminatorum)
3. Order of the Martiniste
4. Brotherhood of Luxor
Fratres Lucis is only available to Master Masons in good standing within a Pansophic Lodge. The Order has five degrees: -
1. Knight Novice of the Third Year
2. Knight Novice of the Fifth Year
3. Knight Novice of the Seventh Year
4. Knight Levite
5. Knight Priest
The Supreme Council consists of 12 Magisters Lucis (Magisters of Light), internally elected through the Supreme Council of the Order. In 1882, "...they seemed to be largely inspired by Qabala and Masonry, while their altar was devoted to 'Great God,' an epithet favorite among Tibetan Buddhists" (APRMM, 2009).
The Bavarian Illuminati is a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. The international president of this Order is 'The Sovereign Master Paolo Bortel from The Rose Croix Rite'.
On the former website ( it had a page entitled 'Positions Of The Order, and described the "...Existence of God as creative, organizer and maintainer of the Universe" followed by an ambiguous statement about their program: -
Revolutionary Illuminati: -
“The last one of the world-wide revolutions led by the Illuminati must count on the support of all. It will be the great victory of the good against the evil, the interior values on the exteriors, of simplicity on the luxury, the fraternity on the egoism, Jesus on Cesar.”
The Agenda: -
1° World-wide Currency
2° Universal Language
3° Total Security
4° Complete and Continuous Social Assistance
5° Deconcentration of wealth and world income
6° Absolute Equality of the beings: social status, ethnic, economic, of the customs
7° International Justice: total repression the contravention, to the crime, the tyranny and the corruption;
8° Global health and sanitation
9° Deconcentration of population and family planning
10° End of taxes, fines, fees, elimination of authority
11° Unrestricted freedom of opinion and expression, full guarantee of civil rights
12° Moralization of the being: End of the hunger, misery, prostitution, the infantile work and other factors
13° Creation of the Policy and the Army of the New Order.
The website was then 'shut down', and a new "Official Website of the Illuminati' has opened with an official book entitled,'The First Testament Of The Illuminati'. However this gives no reference to the former 13º of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Bavaria: -
Noviciado (Iº)
Illuminated Minerval (IIº)
Illuminated Smaller and Iluminado Mayor (IIIº)
Masón Horseman (Apprentice IVº, Vº Companion and Maestro VIº)
Illuminated Leader (Sovereign Prince of Rosa Cruz VIIº)
Horseman Kadosh (VIIIº)
Sovereign Great Chief inspector (IXº)
Illuminated Priest (Xº)
Prince Iluminado (XIº)
Magician Philosopher (XIIº)
Hombre Rex (XIIIº)
In fact, there are no degrees, no former requirement of being an established mason with degrees, no criteria to fulfil in order to join - nothing. Only your name and an email address is required.
There is one document on there that registers with me as 'Dooms Day'. It's entitled ''The Eternal Oath''. Believe me when I say if this is 'official' i.e. spiritually binding, then it will do exactly what it says on the 'tin', and ground you to this dimension for ETERNITY. DO NOT SIGN THAT OATH, as if you are a soul (Child of The Light), you will be grounded to 3D. This will be your fate for ETERNITY.
If you've signed it already, by the word of your mouth, renounce it, by the action of your hand, write and sign a new contract superseding the Oath, read the new declaration out loud and then rip and burn The Eternal Oath. Then 'hope for the best'. This is all I can advise.
However, there may be others with a better plan and/or more knowledge on spiritually binding contracts than I.
Arcanum Arcanorum works closely with O.T.O and means 'The Secret of All Secrets'. This Order has two sections, one is visible which focuses on ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns, the other is 'invisible' and dedicates themselves to 'the secret of all secrets'. The holy book is 'The Book of The Law' compiled by Aleister Crowley.
"The Arcana Arcanorum is an elite Rite that goes back to Atlantis. It is the highest of Rites and its purpose is to give offspring to the 'superhumans'. You must possess a special DNA to join" (Hall, M (2009).
A∴A∴ is divided into three orders:-
1. The Order of The Golden Dawn
2. The Order of The Rose Croix et A.C.
3. The Order of The S∴S∴ (Silver Star) - the governing body
The highest attainment of the Third Order is that of 'Ipsissimus' (10°=1□) "Beyond the comprehension of the lower degrees. An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and lives in perfect balance with the manifest universe. Essentially, the highest mode of attainment" (Moer Foundation, 1970).
"All members of the A∴A∴ must perform several major tasks including: -
The discovery and living out of one's own true will
The acceptance of the Book of the Law as the sole guide in life
The recognition that "The word of the Law is θελημα" and that "Love is the law, love under will."
The acknowledgement of the authority of the offices of the Beast 666 and the Scarlet Woman
The acceptance of Ra-Hoor-Khuit as the Lord of the Aeon, and work to establish his reign upon Earth
The attainment of a mystical state known as "the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel"
The experience of the Abyss" (Moer Foundation, 1970).
"The Abyss is the 11th (hidden) sephira of the Qabalistic Tree of Life known as Da'ath which represents the fall of man from a unified consciousness into a duality between ego and divine nature" (Crowley, 1938). The Abyss is guarded by 'Choronzon - (333)' named by Crowley through evocation in 1909 as 'the Demon of Dispersions and of the Abyss' (BWS, 2016).
Recognised by international law as an independent sovereign state, The Vatican is the central governing body of The Roman Catholic Church. This consists of the head - The Pope and The Roman Curia (administrative department). The current pope is Pope Francis. For the purposes of this article, he is 'The White Pope' in reference to his robes.
'The Society of Jesus' is a military fighting unit established in 1540 by the papacy (Martin, 1987). Members are called Jesuits. The head is called The Superior General (The Black Pope) - Reverend Father Arturo Sosa. Napoleon Bonaparte stated, "The Jesuits are a military organisation, not a religious order....and the aim of this organisation is power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man" (Memorial of the Captivity of Napoleon at St Helena, by General Montholon, Vol. ii p.62).
An extract of The Jesuit Oath (Didier, C. 1843), is as follows: - "...I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus".
According to Romero (2014), "The men of the Jesuit Order are most certainly Satan's secret weapon fighting against the truth found in God's Word. They are a military religious order of the Jesuits". According to Alberto Rivera, he was invited to Black Mass in Spain as a top Jesuit at the time in the late ’60s. Rivera claimed '...when you’re involved in a “Black Mass”, you’re involved in the worship of Lucifer, all dressed in their black capes and so on'. (Yoandy 2011).
The Grey Pope (Pepe Orsini) is the King of The Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines on level hierarchy with the families *Orsini; *Breakspear; *Aldobrandini; *Farnese; *Somaglia, Borja, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili and Este - the shadow government of The Jesuit Order. (*These families claim descent from Ptolemy I Soter I (a Macedonian General (Greek)) a self proclaimed ruler of Egypt from 323 BC). Ptolemy's lineage ruled Egypt for over three centuries until 30 BC when Mark Anthony killed himself and Cleopatra VII committed suicide/was killed. Under Roman Emperor Augustus Gaius Octavius, Egypt was then declared a province 'Aegyptus'.
Zionism is a Masonic term. The Zionists - Jesuits are The Great Zionists. They are the rulers; they are the Protocols; they are the Elders of Zion. So the Zionists are, indeed, evil and wicked; but they are controlled by Rome. The Jews are not all Zionists. (Yoandy, 2011). The agenda of The Jesuit Council? 'World Domination' - NWO. Also see -
The Emerald Tablets - Tablet III & VI
UNTANAS - THREE holds the key of all hidden magic, creator he of The Halls of the Dead; sending forth power, shrouding with darkness, director of negative to the children of men. Sending the darkness, binding the soul force; binding the souls of the children of men.
QUERTAS - FOUR is he who looses the power. Lord, he, of Life to the children of men. Light is his body, flame is his countenance; freer of souls to the children of men.
CHIETAL - FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic - Key to The Word that resounds among men.
GOYANA - SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway, path of the souls of the children of men. Master of Space and the key of the Times.
HUERTAL - SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness.
SEMVETA - EIGHT is he who orders the progress; weighs and balances the journey of men.
ARDAL - NINE is the father, vast he of countenance, forming and changing from out of the formless.
Atum (later Ra and Amun)
The Nine Lords of the Night (Aztecs)
Xiuhtecuhtli - ("Turquoise/Year/Fire Lord")
Tezcatlipoca - ("Smoking Mirror")
Piltzintecuhtli - ("Prince Lord")
Centeotl - ("Maize God")
Mictlantecuhtli - ("Underworld Lord")
Chalchiuhtlicue - ("Jade Is Her Skirt")
Tlazolteotl - ("Filth God[dess]")
Tepeyollotl - ("Mountain Heart")
Tlaloc - (Rain God)" Elizabeth Hill Boone. 2007. Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate. University of Texas Press pp. 44-45.
Uriel, one of the holy angels, who presides over clamor and terror;
Raphael, one of the holy angels, who presides over the spirits of men;
Raguel, one of the holy angels, who inflicts punishment on the world and the luminaries;
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations;
Sarakiel, one of the holy angels, who presides over the spirits of the children of men that transgress;
Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who presides over Ikisat (serpents - evil forces), over paradise, and over The Cherubim".
"And the fourth, who presides over repentance, and the hope of those who will inherit eternal life, is Phanuel" (Enoch 40:9).
El Morya - Lord of the First Ray (Blue)
Lord Lanto - Lord of the Second Ray (Yellow)
Paul The Venetian - Lord of the Third Ray (Pink)
Serapis Bey - Lord of the Fourth Ray (White)
Hilarion - Lord of the Fifth Ray (Green)
Lady Master Nada - Lord of the Sixth Ray (Purple & Gold)
Saint Germain - Lord of the Seventh Ray (Violet)
Within The Heart Chakra is 'The Three Fold Flame'. The Great White Brotherhood advocate that this flame contains "...the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self. This divine spark is your passport to immortality".
The flame is divided into three parts, the first being the pink flame of The Holy Spirit. The second, is the blue flame of The Father, and the third, is the yellow flame of The Son. This makes up The Trinity.
The flame is our 'divinity' and expands with our consciousness. When each flame is in proportion to the other, it allows our spiritual light and power to increase. Each flame can be balanced through service to god and devotion to life, and when our connection to god is waning, then they need to be balanced.
The I AM Presence contained within the heart is a part of god containing his love " fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation", wisdom to provide the mind with the right knowledge of the law and enlightenment, and power to function on faith and good will.
"First, there is the upper figure, which is a sphere of light called the “I AM Presence.” To Hindus, it is Brahma. Buddhists call it the Dharmakaya, while Christians think of it as God the Father. It is the spirit of God individualized for each one.
Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres which make up your causal body. These spheres of pulsating spiritual energy contain the record of all your good works. They are like your cosmic bank account.
Your causal body has spheres of cosmic consciousness—seven planes of heaven, seven spheres of awareness corresponding to the seven mighty Elohim, the seven Archangels, the seven days of creation, and the seven color rays that are emitted from the white light that is the person and the principle of the Father, or Brahma, or I AM THAT I AM.
These seven ways translate to seven paths back to the Source and the Lords of the Seven Rays are ascended masters who teach seekers on those paths.
Your I AM Presence is a part of your being right now; it is not removed, it is not separated from you in time and space. The only separation you have from the I AM THAT I AM is your own human consciousness, your sense of limitation, and the accumulation of vibrations from this, and previous lifetimes, that are less than the highest qualities of your Real Self".
"Between the sphere of light above and the soul evolving below is the consciousness of the mediator. The mediator is that portion of the Self that can translate to the imperfect soul something of the perfection of the I AM THAT I AM. It is that portion of your being that is real enough to stand in the holy Presence of God.
We call this mediator the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body, the Real Self or the Holy Christ Self. The Christian mystics sometimes referred to the Mediator as the “inner man of the heart.”
It is the Self that you are in a state of becoming through our evolution, through all of your experiences in time and space.
Depending on your spiritual tradition, you can think of this Mediator as your chief guardian angel, your inner guru (Higher Self or Atman), the voice of conscience—and always as your dearest friend.
The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord (sometimes called the silver cord). It is the “umbilical cord,” the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit.
Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of God that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).
Personally, I challenge this as I am not at one with no 'I AM PRESENCE'. Their god is not my God.
THE ULTIMATE POWER is my source.
Everything in nature mirrors the geometry (shape) of The Flower of Life from the centre of a flower, to the leaves that it produces, the spiral of the shell of a snail, pine cones, sunflower seeds, the electro-magnetic field of the Earth and the spiral of the Galaxy itself. In Mathematics, 'Phi' is The Golden Ratio (1.6180339887498948420) of The Flower of Life.
Line B
Line A
So Line A ÷ Line B = (a+b)÷a = 1.6180339887498948420.
The Egg of Life has 7 petals and is a part of 'The Flower of Life' in its early stages. The Flower of Life (The Vesica Piscis) is allegedly responsible for the spirit of T.G.A.O.T.U. creating everything - The Genesis Creation.
When one becomes at one with the 'I AM PRESENCE', they are a 'triune being' as explained later on. At this point, they become The Creator - 'a god' through their own creation, and can create using 'The Flower of Life'. 'The Flower of Life' develops into 'The Fruit of Life' to 'The Tree of Life'. The overall purpose - 'Metatron's Cube'.
The Burning Bush of Moses was El Morya - Lord of The Blue Ray. It is not the same flame as The Ultimate Power's Eternal Flame, nor is it the same as 'The Flaming Flower of Life' in Amenti (Emerald Tablet 1).
The Flaming Flower of Life is the flame we are discussing now, and it is used to give 'immortality' to mankind according to Thoth who wrote The Emerald Tablets around 36,000 years B.C. (Doreal, M, 1996).
According to Thoth, those who converse with 'the keepers of the blue flame' are able to exit the cycle of life-death-re-incarnation-life-death-re-incarnation, and 're-incarnate' at will or remain out of the cycle as they so choose. If this is true, then I ask that one person, just one since 36,000 BC steps forward to testify to this being the truth - that they can in-carnate at will.
Thoth claims "...Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping, incarnate they in the bodies of men". (Emerald Tablet III). As far as I am aware, Thoth was referring to 'The Children of The Light'. This knowledge is part of the great 'enlightenment' hidden from the everyday man, woman and child, and this knowledge was guarded by these rites/societies'.
However, for The Children of The Light, this is not a case of 'incarnation at will'. See the page 5D & Soul Search. The Children of The Light are being sent back to re-incarnate then have to search to find their way out. So Thoth provides yet another twisted version of the truth.
The great Architect of The Universe (TGAOTU)
"Freemasonry does NOT have a "god" of any kind. Freemasons however do profess a belief in a Supreme Being" (King, 1998). The symbol used to represent TGAOTU is the all-seeing eye of Heru (Horus).
Taking into account the contents of this grid to this point, including The Book of the Law - Thelema, the sexual and blood drinking rituals involved in the rites/practices, The Jesuit Oath, The Nine, The Anunnaki (Enki, Enlil and Nin-khursag etc)., it is with certainty that I can say that TGAOTU is NOT 'THE ULTIMATE POWER'. Therefore, if these 'societies' are not of THE ULTIMATE POWER, then they are not for truth, especially if their truth ends with fake immortality, and "I AM gOD"!