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False Immortality in The Great White Brotherhood




The Ancient Story of Sanat Kumara

"And I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 20:11; 1:8


Souls of the Saints Robed in White:

I come from the great white throne, the I AM THAT I AM in the person of the Ancient of Days.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I sit upon the seat of authority.

I AM he from whose face the earth and the heaven shall flee away, and there shall no place be found for the seed of the wicked.



My heart is the heart of the Trinity.

My heart is the heart of God.

Through my heart there flows from the One the pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb which is the foundation of worlds above and below.

Lo, I AM the Alpha and the Omega of that water of life.

I AM the emissary of the plus and the minus of the perpetual flow of the dayspring from on high.

This is the water of the Lamb descending from the Universal Source heart to heart to heart.

And unto him that receiveth it from the embodied Lamb, it is the elixir first of wisdom, then of the understanding of that wisdom, and finally it is the full-orbed enlightenment of the soul.

And the water poured by the Guru into the upraised chalice of the chela shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

And the chela that believeth upon the Lamb, the embodied Guru, as the scripture hath said: out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.


And so cometh Maitreya to initiate you in the initiation of water and in your individual God-mastery of the emotions–the energies of Alpha and Omega chaliced within the desire body and released through the ten-petaled chakra of the solar plexus, the belly.

This mighty flow of rivers of living water is the veritable sign of the living chelas of the living Guru.

Let the desire body be cleared!

Let the motive of the heart be purified!

Let all of your desiring be the desiring of God within you to restore the soul to the balanced flow of water as the descending life-giving flow of Alpha and Omega!

Lo, it is that sacred fire which is the rising caduceus held in the balance of the plus and the minus by your meditation upon the descending/ascending currents as water and fire commingling, life-giving!

So let the water of life purify the soul!

So let the sacred fire reinfuse the cells of the living body of God one by one with the personal presence of the Word!

Behold the image of the Lord Christ and of his Lamb in every cell of the body of God, worlds without end!


You call me Sanat Kumara, and you know me as the one who stood before the cosmic council known as the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four.

You know me because you were witnesses to my plea made for and on behalf of the evolutions of earth who no longer knew the presence of the Lamb, who by disobedience were cut off from the living Guru.

You know me as the one who volunteered to embody the threefold flame within the earth unto the evolutions evolving within the seven planes of being–fire, air, water, and earth.

The Cosmic Council had decreed the dissolution of earth and her evolutions because the souls of her children no longer worshiped the Trinity in the threefold flame of life burning upon the altar of the heart.

They had become the sheep gone astray.

Their attention fixed upon the outer manifestation, they had willfully, ignorantly abandoned the inner walk with God.

They knew not the hidden man of the heart, that blessed Ishwara, and the seven candles no longer burned in the seven windows.

Men and women had become hollow, their chakras black holes in time and space; and their vacated temples became the tombs of the dead; and the spirits of the dead took up their abode within their hollowed-out houses.

Thus they received the judgment of the One Hundred and Forty and Four even as their descendants would hear the denunciation of the Son of God.


Thus the light of the temples had gone out, and the purpose to which God had created man–to be the temple of the living God–was no longer being fulfilled.

One and all were the living dead, a Matter vessel without an ensouling light, an empty shell.

Nowhere on earth was there a mystery school–not a chela, not a Guru, no initiates of the path of initiation unto Christhood.


The hour of the judgment had come, and the one seated upon the throne in the center of the twelve times twelve hierarchies of light had pronounced the word that was the unanimous consensus of all:

Let earth and her evolutions be rolled up as a scroll and lit as a taper of the sacred fire.

Let all energies misqualified be returned to the Great Central Sun for repolarization.

Let energy misused be realigned and recharged with the light of Alpha and Omega, once again to be infused by the Creator within the ongoing creation of worlds without end.

The requirement of the law for the saving of Terra?

It was that one who should qualify as the embodied Guru, the Lamb, should be present in the physical octave to hold the balance and to keep the threefold flame of life for and on behalf of every living soul.

It is the law of the One that the meditation of the one upon the Eternal Christos may count for the many until the many once again become accountable for their words and their works and can begin to bear the burden of their light as well as the karma of their relative good and evil.

I chose to be that one.

I volunteered to be a flaming son of righteousness unto earth and her evolutions.


After considerable deliberation, the Cosmic Council and the Nameless One gave their approval of my petition, and the dispensation for a new divine plan for earth and her evolutions came into being.

For cosmic law so states that when a hierarch of certain degrees and dimensions of cosmic consciousness volunteers to be the shepherd of lifewaves that are the lost sheep, the petition must be granted.

Where there is no Guru, there can be no chelas; where there is no shepherd, there can be no sheep.

As it is written: smite the shepherd, and the sheep are scattered.

But the Guru may be given opportunity to be Guru only for a certain cycle; and if at the end of that cycle the members of a lifewave by their recalcitrance and hardness of heart have not responded as chelas to the heart flame of the Guru, then the Guru must withdraw.

And that which might have been may not be, and to no other hierarch then will the dispensation be given.


Thus I knelt before the great white throne of the Nameless One and he said unto me,

“My son, Sanat Kumara, thou shalt sit upon the great white throne before the evolutions of earth.

“Thou shalt be to them the Lord God in the highest.

“Verily, thou shalt be the highest manifestation of the Deity which shall be given unto them until, through the path of initiation, their souls shall rise to thy throne of awareness and stand before thee in praise of the I AM THAT I AM which thou art.

“In that day when they shall rise up and say, ‘Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever’–behold, their redemption draweth nigh.”

And he said unto me,

“Thus unto the evolutions of earth thou shalt be Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the I AM THAT I AM, which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty.”

And he placed upon me his mantle of sponsorship of the Father unto the Son which would become in me his sponsorship of a lifewave that he now made my own.

It was a trust.

It was the initiation of the Father in the Son.

And I knelt before the Nameless One and I worshiped God, saying, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

And he, the Great Guru, repeated the approbation, thus completing the circle of devotion.

He acknowledged the light that he and he alone had placed within my heart as the flaming image of himself, and to that image he said,

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Thus I am in the Father and the Father is in me and we are one, worlds without end.

And without that oneness, there can be no petition and no dispensation no matter what your level of evolution.

And the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four, forming a single solar ring around the great white throne, intoned the Word with the great beings of light, forming the inner circle round about the throne and saying,

“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”

And I heard the echo of their chant of the “Holy, holy, holy” all the way home to the morning star, to my twin flame whom you know as Venus, and to the sons and daughters of the Love Star.

Winged messengers of light had announced my coming and the disposition of the Cosmic Council and the dispensation granted.

The six–my brothers, the Holy Kumaras, who sustain with me the seven flames of the seven rays–Mighty Victory and his legions, our daughter Meta, and many servant sons and daughters whom you know today as the ascended masters welcomed me in a grand reception.

That evening, the joy of opportunity was mingled with the sorrow that the sense of separation brings.

I had chosen a voluntary exile upon a dark star.


And though it was destined to be Freedom’s Star, all knew it would be for me a long dark night of the soul.

Then all at once from the valleys and the mountains there appeared a great gathering of my children.

It was the souls of the hundred and forty and four thousand approaching our palace of light.

They spiraled nearer and nearer as twelve companies singing the song of freedom, of love, and of victory.

Their mighty chorusing echoed throughout elemental life, and angelic choirs hovered nigh.

As we watched from the balcony, Venus and I, we saw the thirteenth company robed in white.

It was the royal priesthood of the Order of the Melchizedek, the anointed ones who kept the flame and the law in the center of this hierarchical unit.

When all of their numbers had assembled, ring upon ring upon ring surrounding our home, and their hymn of praise and adoration to me was concluded, their spokesman stood before the balcony to address us on behalf of the great multitude.

It was the soul of the one you know and love today as the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha.

And he addressed us, saying,

“O Ancient of Days, we have heard of the covenant which God hath made with thee this day and of thy commitment to keep the flame of life until some among earth’s evolutions should be quickened and once again renew their vow to be bearers of the flame.

“O Ancient of Days, thou art to us our Guru, our very life, our God.

“We will not leave thee comfortless.

“We will go with thee.

“We will not leave thee for one moment without the ring upon ring of our chelaship.

“We will come to earth.

“We will prepare the way.

“We will keep the flame in thy name.”


And so as the Lord God directed me, I chose from among them four hundred servant sons and daughters who would precede the hundred and forty and four thousand to prepare for their coming.

For though they knew the darkness of the darkest star, in reality they did not know, as I knew, the real meaning of the sacrifice which they now were offering to make in the name of their Guru.

We wept in joy, Venus and I and all of the hundred and forty and four thousand.

And the tears that flowed on that memorable evening burned as the living sacred fire flowing as the water of life from the great white throne and the Cosmic Council, our sponsors.

I shall come again to continue with the history that unfolds from the folds of the garment of memory of the Ancient of Days.

O my children, I AM still your Sanat Kumara". (Summit Publications, 2017).


The lORD & The Seven Ascended Masters of The Brotherhood.

The 7 are also known as 'The 7 Who Watch' (Enoch), 'The 7 Chohans of The Rays'.
























































"The ascension is the ritual whereby the soul reunites with the Spirit of the living God, the I AM Presence, through the acceleration by the sacred fire at the natural conclusion of one's final lifetime on earth. It is the process whereby the soul merges first with the Christ Consciousness and then with the living Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, having balanced her karma and fulfilled her divine plan. Once the ascension takes place, the soul—the corruptible aspect of being—becomes the incorruptible one, a permanent atom in the body of God, free from the round of karma and rebirth.

In reality man is a flaming spirit who descended into physical form to master the conditions and trials of everyday life and his own lower self. When he has successfully overcome the human will, the human ego, the human intellect and has replaced them with their divine components, he can then ascend back to the heart of the Father-victor over time and space.

The ascension is the gift of God. It is given to us more by his grace than by our works, although both are necessary.

Membership in any specific church does not in itself guarantee our ascension. Devotees from all races and religions have been granted the gift of the ascension when certain requirements have been met.


The ascension flame is a flame of hope. We have hope because we have within us the divine memory of the ascension of Jesus the Christ. Our souls remember that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and others who are unknown and unsung have also followed in Jesus' footsteps as the true heroes and heroines of the world.


Jesus' ascension is the matrix of the ascension of every other soul. His life was meant to be an example to us, and we are intended to ascend as he did. The mysteries of God's creation are many, and Jesus unveiled for us one of life's greatest mysteries.

The ascension is God's desire for every one, and so all of Heaven – Ascended Masters and Archangels – stands ready to assist the man, woman or child who seeks to express his or her true identity as a son or daughter of God. All life should welcome the opportunity we have been given to follow in the Master's footsteps. Jesus was a wayshower, one of many". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).







The 'New Heaven and New Earth' foretold by John the Revelator is the city called Shamballa. Shamballa is located between the Himalayas and the Gobi desert in 4D, and is the home of Sanat Kumara, and Gautama Buddha - founder of Buddhism. According to The Great White Brotherhood, Shamballa was built by 400 souls called The Avant-Garde for Sanat Kumara, and is a replica of the city of the Kumaras on the planet Venus. The main temple of Shamballa has a golden dome, and is surrounded by terraces, flame fountains and seven temples - one for each of the seven rays. 

"The city and the streets are made of pure gold and are described as 'like transparent glass'. The city is 1500 miles in length, 1500 miles in breadth, and 1500 miles in height. The twelve foundations of the city each have the names of the twelve apostles in them and are made of precious stones such as jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth and amethyst. The walls of the city are made from jasper (Revelation 21:14, 16, 18-20).

The city also has twelves gates which are made of pearls. There is an angel at each gate. There are three gates facing north, three gates facing east, three gates facing south, and three gates facing west. On each gate is the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The gates to the city are never closed (Revelation 21:12-13, 21, 25). 

This kingdom was already in existence when Jesus came as he specifically stated in John 14:2-3 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again...". John the Revelator, also claimed his vision was given to him by Jesus (Revelation 1:1).

So Jesus knew when he came to this earth that A-nu's Heaven and A-nu's Earth (A New Heaven and A New Earth) was to be inherited by the so called redeemed saints (serpent seed only). They were to inherit and worship and reside in and and around a city that had been mined by the slaves of Eden. Where else did all those 'precious stones' and metals come from? The city was then built by the Avant-Garde (The Igigi aka The Watchers - slaves who rebelled against The Anunnaki).

The saints who we know of old who were not of serpent-seed DNA and were persecuted, fought and bled and died for their truth and for their freedom and for their salvation in the name of Lord God and Jesus, in reality, inherit nothing. The current notion is that only 'serpent seed' are to reside in Anu's Heaven and Anu's Earth. However, if we go back to the page of Eden - The Slave Camp, we see that immortality never belonged to mankind in the first instance.

The Bible states there'll be no remembrance of the past, nor death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain (Rev: 21:4) nor marrying or giving in to marriage (Matt. 22:30), in A-nu's Heaven and A-nu's Earth. Why? Because it's Zombie Apocalypse. If no one knows, no one questions.

No-one will know because there will be no-one from this current world to pass on the truth. It's a 'set-up' on a loop, orchestrated by Sanat Kumara (Satan). Mankind will be destroyed and re-created again, and 'The Game of Life' begins again from the start with a new false promise of 'salvation'.

Immortality is not Sanat Kumara's to give. He is a liar and a deceiver. He acknowledges himself that he isn't The Creator of All."And I knelt before the Nameless One and I worshiped God". He's just made himself gOD of 4D and 3D with a twisted version of the truth that legitimately puts him in charge. He's a fake and a fraud.



Maha Chohan

Lord of The Seven Chohans

"As the Representative of the Holy Spirit, the Maha Chohan embodies the white light of all the rays and teaches the sevenfold balance of the rays of the Seven Mighty Elohim, which in turn manifest upon the brow of the initiate as a crown of crystal light when that God-mastery of the seven rays is reached.

The Maha Chohan is a very present help to all who call to him. Because of his pledge to all mankind “I am keeping the flame for you until you are able,” this truly Great Lord is called the Keeper of the Flame". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).

El Morya

Lord of The Blue Ray

"El Morya ascended in about 1898 after his work with the Master K.H. in founding the Theosophical Society. El Morya is chohan of the first ray and chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. (Summitlighthouse, 2017). 

Lord Lanto

Lord of The Golden Ray

"Lanto volunteered with Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, to come to earth long ago for the rescue of the planet and her evolutions". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).

Paul The Venetian

Lord of The Pink Ray

"Paul sponsors the ascended master culture of Beauty and Truth for this age and works with all—artists, musicians, architects, designers and craftsmen—who desire to bring that culture forth on behalf of mankind". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).

Serapis Bey

Lord of The White Ray

"The fourth ray is the Ascension Flame, the white light of the Mother in the base-of-the-spine chakra. Serapis came from Venus with the Ancient of Days to rekindle the sacred fire in the hearts of a wayward mankind. He is also known as Serapis Soleil, Serapis of the Sun". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).


Lord of The Green Ray

"Hilarion is the chohan of the fifth ray of healing and truth. Hilarion's most famous lifetime was as Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus". (Summightlighthouse, 2017).

Lady Master Nada

Lord of The Purple & Gold Ray

"The Queen of The Chohans. The ascended Lady Master Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray (purple and gold ray) of peace, ministration and service".  (Summitlighthouse, 2017). 

St Germain

Lord of The Violet Flame

"In 1961 Saint Germain contacted Mark L. Prophet, and founded the Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity to quicken all who had originally come to earth with Sanat Kumara—to serve as world teachers and ministering servants in their families, communities and nations at this critical hour of the turning of cycles". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).

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The energies of the Father (blue), Son (yellow), and Holy Spirit (pink)

The Chohans of The Rays

Within The Heart Chakra is 'The Three Fold Flame'. The Great White Brotherhood advocate that this flame contains "...the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self. This divine spark is your passport to immortality". 


The flame is divided into three parts, the first being the pink flame of The Holy Spirit. The second, is the blue flame of The Father, and the third, is the yellow flame of The Son. This makes up The Trinity.

The flame is our 'divinity' and expands with our consciousness. When each flame is in proportion to the other, it allows our spiritual light and power to increase. Each flame can be balanced through service to god and devotion to life, and when our connection to god is waning, then they need to be balanced.


The I AM Presence contained within the heart is a part of god containing his love " fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation", wisdom to provide the mind with the right knowledge of the law and enlightenment, and power to function on faith and good will.

"First, there is the upper figure, which is a sphere of light called the “I AM Presence.” To Hindus, it is Brahma. Buddhists call it the Dharmakaya, while Christians think of it as God the Father. It is the spirit of God individualized for each one.

Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres which make up your causal body. These spheres of pulsating spiritual energy contain the record of all your good works. They are like your cosmic bank account.

Your causal body has spheres of cosmic consciousness—seven planes of heaven, seven spheres of awareness corresponding to the seven mighty Elohim, the seven Archangels, the seven days of creation, and the seven color rays that are emitted from the white light that is the person and the principle of the Father, or Brahma, or I AM THAT I AM.





These seven ways translate to seven paths back to the Source and the Lords of the Seven Rays are ascended masters who teach seekers on those paths.

Your I AM Presence is a part of your being right now; it is not removed, it is not separated from you in time and space. The only separation you have from the I AM THAT I AM is your own human consciousness, your sense of limitation, and the accumulation of vibrations from this, and previous lifetimes, that are less than the highest qualities of your Real Self".


"Between the sphere of light above and the soul evolving below is the consciousness of the mediator. The mediator is that portion of the Self that can translate to the imperfect soul something of the perfection of the I AM THAT I AM. It is that portion of your being that is real enough to stand in the holy Presence of God.

We call this mediator the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body, the Real Self or the Holy Christ Self. The Christian mystics sometimes referred to the Mediator as the “inner man of the heart.”

It is the Self that you are in a state of becoming through our evolution, through all of your experiences in time and space.

Depending on your spiritual tradition, you can think of this Mediator as your chief guardian angel, your inner guru (Higher Self or Atman), the voice of conscience—and always as your dearest friend.

The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord (sometimes called the silver cord). It is the “umbilical cord,” the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit.

Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of God that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart". (Summitlighthouse, 2017).

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