'Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance'. Albert Einstein
Any one can claim they know the path to enlightenment. Whose to say they are wrong if that's their truth? What is your definition of Enlightenment? Is it the same as mine? What I've learnt is that enlightenment is a personal journey that we seek and find for ourselves.
There is no 'Neo' coming to save me from this matrix with a 'red pill'. I have to seek my own salvation and ultimate escape from this realm, to where I believe 'true love and life exists'. If these pages act as a way to finding that salvation and ultimate escape for myself, and assists others along their journey, then to this end I will continue.
This topic means a host of things to various people. For some, this can mean finding yourself in a quiet location for hours on end in the lotus position concentrating on inner peace. For others it can simply be finding that time for stillness amongst the chaos of the rat race with a peaceful track, for others, time to pray and/or read, or just rest. The following information may therefore assist you in your meditations.
Whatever your method towards attaining that inner peace, spiritual growth and enlightenment, always start with the acknowledgement of 'The Ultimate Power' and ask him to guide and protect you', find yourself in the right location, and 'free your mind from 3D limitations'.
Carl Jung first introduced the concept of 'synchronicity' as 'events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no 'causal' relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related'. 'Causal' was defined as 'something happening without being caused'.
In his book Synchronicity (1952), Jung tells the following story as an example of a synchronistic event: -
"My example concerns a young woman patient who, in spite of efforts made on both sides, proved to be psychologically inaccessible. The difficulty lay in the fact that she always knew better about everything. Her excellent education had provided her with a weapon ideally suited to this purpose, namely a highly polished Cartesian rationalism with an impeccably "geometrical" idea of reality. After several fruitless attempts to sweeten her rationalism with a somewhat more human understanding, I had to confine myself to the hope that something unexpected and irrational would turn up, something that would burst the intellectual retort into which she had sealed herself. Well, I was sitting opposite her one day, with my back to the window, listening to her flow of rhetoric. She had an impressive dream the night before, in which someone had given her a golden scarab — a costly piece of jewellery. While she was still telling me this dream, I heard something behind me gently tapping on the window. I turned round and saw that it was a fairly large flying insect that was knocking against the window-pane from outside in the obvious effort to get into the dark room. This seemed to me very strange. I opened the window immediately and caught the insect in the air as it flew in. It was a scarabaeid beetle, or common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), whose gold-green colour most nearly resembles that of a golden scarab. I handed the beetle to my patient with the words, "Here is your scarab." This experience punctured the desired hole in her rationalism and broke the ice of her intellectual resistance. The treatment could now be continued with satisfactory results".
Synchronicity is a moment that manifests the unity that always and already existed between psychological and spiritual, mind and universe, you and me, me and everything. It occurs when our unconscious is ready for a step into wider consciousness" (Richo, D, (1998). When synchronicity occurs on a regular basis (i.e. it is meaningful and occurs without an external cause), your consciousness/awareness is showing you that you are ready for an 'upgrade' into a higher level of consciousness.
Part of this awareness is a deep seated longing and desire to 'leave this planet and go home'. This awareness is not associated with 'suicide' or 'suicidal ideas', it is a personal desire/need to re-connect with 'The Ultimate Power' from whence we came. Notice in the above example given by Jung that there was no harm etc. caused by or to the beetle. This is because synchronicity is not harmful psychologically, physically, emotionally or spiritually as the events that occur do not cause anyone or anything harm, annoyance or nuisance.
As we move from the denser vibrations into higher frequencies, synchronicities will increase. Those who experience synchronicity will begin to understand that the reason for an increase in synchronicity is for us to identify what we need to do/not do in our life in order to 'upgrade' to a higher state of 'consciousness'. It is in this sense that synchronicity can not be mis-read/imitated falsely as the universe can not lie, and meditation can assist with providing any sought after answers.
Vibration & Frequency
"'Frequency' is the number of complete cycles per second in an alternating current direction" (TechTarget 1999 - 2018), Take a look at the nearest object in front of you - the pc screen, the phone, tablet, cup, pen. It is vibrating so fast that it appears to be still. Everything vibrates including you and I. We all vibrate at different 'frequencies' which is known as our 'resonant frequency'.
Our 'higher selves' which vibrates at a much higher rate than we do, communicates with us through vibration. So if we raise our vibration the guidance becomes clearer. Raising our vibration raises our consciousness, and we can raise our vibration through meditation, music, improving our environments and associations etc.
While we’re on a lower vibration, our thought patterns are un-focused. This can affect our ability to expand and raise our consciousness. This lower level of vibration can be caused by our environment, relationships, associations etc. which interferes with and/or prevents a higher vibration and frequency on a sub-conscious, conscious and super conscious level if it is not addressed. In addition, we have to understand that there are also those who simply 'feed' off our energy and this disrupts our focus, consciousness and vibrational rate. Subsequently, prolonged associations with those who are of that nature, or who are of a lower level of consciousness can be detrimental to our focus and vibration as they deprive us of our ability to increase our consciousness. "If we’re physically and spiritually aware of certain things that hurt our growth and development, we’ll know to avoid them so we don’t spiral down into the lower state of consciousness they’d deliver us to". (Annac, (2014)). Our associations are also important as our will, focus and intent can keep us in a higher state of consciousness and thus increase our vibration further. Therefore, associations with those who are 'like minded' can act as an energy raising field. Thus all involved in the 'field' can continually raise their vibrations and frequencies to higher levels of consciousness.
Through 'vibration', we send our thoughts and feelings out into the Universe, and as such we attract what we are sending out. We can therefore 'create through the power of thought'.
When a person is 'focused' on attaining a specific purpose, their consciousness will vibrate to the frequency of that focus and purpose so it will manifest into the physical. An example is, if we want to make a 'better life' for ourselves in some way, it is no good just wishing for it. An individual's mind, body and soul must be in alignment physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually with that 'better life' to ensure that what is attracted to them is positive and is what they have focused on. If the person is not in alignment with themselves, then they will attract negative energies and manifestations. Therefore, we may have to 're-program our belief system' through positive thoughts, affirmations, environments and music of the right energy and tones, etc.
The Cosmos
Access Your Super-Consciousness'