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This is a straight line. Point (A) to Point (B). It has no height, no depth, no mass.


The basic element of 'everything' is an atom.

Atoms make up everything, from a drop of water to a nuclear missile.  

Water for example, is two Hydrogen (H2) atoms and 1 Oxygen (O) atom = H20.  







Atoms are 'Energy'.


In terms of 'consciousness', this is the un-conscious 'awareness and reflections' of our individual 'compositions', i.e. "I am an atom, and I am aware that I am made up of protons, neutrons and electrons = nucleus". There is no Point (A) to Point (B). There is only Point (A).


This dimension has the slowest vibration rate.


















Height and Length


This is a straight line with an additional dimension of 'height'. By adding 'height' to 'length', a square, triangle or rectangle can be created.

There is no depth or mass. (It's flat).


In terms of 'consciousness', there is only the basic instinct to survive i.e. fight or flight. 

It is only the 'chemical reactions' of our 'being' that make up this part of our consciousness, which we are aware of

Our five physical senses, (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) are aware of this.


















Height, Length and Depth


This is where length, height depth/volume are created i.e. Mass = (A form of Energy).

(Energy = 'E', Mass = 'M', Speed of light = 'C', Squared = '2').

Energy, equals its mass, multiplied by the speed of light, squared = "E=mc2" (A. Einstein).



A 'square' as mentioned in Dimension 2 becomes a 'cube (hypercube)', a 'triangle' becomes a pyramid/prism/tetrahedron.


This is the current dimension we as human beings occupy in our 'terrestrial' bodies (human earth bodies).

We occupy this dimension with 'self-consciousness' and 'self awareness'.

It is a dimension where one can feel 'disconnected' from their celestial/etheric selves.

We can however raise our consciousness through the 4th to the 5th dimension and upwards.

Scientists advocate that without electro-magnetism and the nuclear force within the atoms holding them together, the electrons of our atomic composition would detach. (The nuclear force being greater than the electro-magnetic force). 'The Theory of Quantum Consciousness'  therefore arises i.e. harnessing our sub-atomic composition - neutrons, electrons and protons etc., and by doing so teleportation in this dimension IS possible. 































Height, Length and Depth and Time



A hyper-cube becomes a 'tesseract', and a tetrahedron becomes an 'octahedron'.


The fourth dimension is the position in 'time' being occupied by a three-dimensional object or being, a human for example.

Genesis 1:5 - "...and the evening and the morning were the first day". Time was applied during the Biblical Creation. Their God rested on the seventh day, and Adam and Eve were able to count their days of life as were their generations to come. 

Time is linear - past, present, future. 


In terms of 'consciousness', we are able to travel in time (past or future), and our thoughts/dreams can manifest into the 3D. 

There are various cultures who go into trances with the use of various drugs/concoctions, others use 'craft' ('The Three Mountains', Weor, S (2008)), whilst there are those like myself who use their natural sleep or meditative states to 'connect'.


This dimension is known as 'The Astral Plane' as our astral body travels outside of our 3D mass/body.

The Astral Body is of a higher vibration known as 'etheric'. It is possible to 'shape-shift/morph/teleport' on this level. (Luke 24:31).

However as our physical body remains in the 3D, it is unwise to leave it too regularly and/or for long periods without protection. 


The Astral Body has 'out of body' experiences but is not a person's 'spirit'. A person's 'spirit' is not their 'astral body'. By definition, 'the spirit' is our 'breath of life'



















Height, Length, Depth, Spatial-Time and 'Ether'



A tesseract becomes a 'penteract', and an octahedron becomes a 'hexateron'.


Spatial-time still exists but it is not 'linear' (i.e. there is no perception of a past, present and future). It's all happening at once.















'Light-bodies/celestial bodies' are our representations, and all of the lower dimensions are accessible. It is possible to shape shift/morph/astral travel and teleport, and access additional dimensions, meaning there are more than 5 dimensions. According to 'M Theory', (Witten, 1995), there are 11 dimensions.


In terms of 'consciousness', there is only 'oneness' with all - 'love', as the concept of 'fear' cannot survive the higher vibration of the fifth dimension. If fear were to be experienced our vibrational rate would drop to a lower dimension, as would ones consciousness. 

Death is not experienced here.  


In order to attain this level of consciousness, one has to raise their frequency to the same frequency as the dimension itself.

Any negativity including thoughts and feelings etc. can stop us from raising our frequency and consequently keep us from attaining our soul's primary objective....​









The Movie: Interstellar


The Movie: Jumper

The Great Escape

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