Tantric Theory of Chakras
The earliest known practice relating to the chakras was between 6,000 - 2000 B.C in India.
Chakras were used in the spiritual and ritual traditions of the Hindu's as a symbol. The 'wheel of time' is The Kala Chakra, and The 'wheel of Dharma' (order and Creation with duties and moral laws) is The Dharma Chakra. As 'the source of order and regularity', god (Brahman) is described as 'The Brahman Chakram Wheel'. Kram means 'order' - the orderly progression of something or of a phenomenon.
The 'Kundalini' (serpent/fire energy released during Creation - The Super Solar Force), is said to lie coiled and dormant at the base of one's spine. Exercises such as 'yoga' are designed to 'awaken' the 'kundalini' so it will rise up through the six chakras to 'The Crown Chakra' to be at union with Brahman (god) obtaining an innate understanding of the eternal absolute reality. One also becomes enlightened and aware of their own divinity.
The 'Kundalini' Chakras symbolise the levels of consciousness in the 'human body' which influence and maintain the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental movements of the spirit, mind and body. These chakras can sometimes become blocked and therefore the 'kundalini' cannot move upward.
There are two methods towards 'opening' a chakra. The first is by developing one's own consciousness through their experiences, contemplations and actions etc. The other is to 'force' them to open through Yoga and/or mental exercises.
The above table represents 7 chakras, their position in the human body and sanskrit name (sanctified/sacred name). The table then gives further information relating to the relevant attributes of the chakras, alongside their respective crystal, oil and nature therapies etc.
​Chakra 1 - Root Chakra
This is representative of our Physical body.
The Root chakra is located at the base of our spine, in our pelvic area, and is at the centre of our body. Our root chakra is the root of our being - our grounding chakra which helps us to stay centred, secure and active. It establishes the connections with our physical body, environment and the Earth and through our DNA, locks us into this dimension.
Chakra 2 - Sacral Chakra
This is representative of our Energy body.
The Sacral chakra is two inches below our navel and is our centre of emotion, passion, empathy, creativity, enjoyment and sexuality.
It projects our aura and allows us to learn the lessons of letting go, moving and moving on in addition to changes, transformation and development of self.
Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra
This is representative of our Mental body.
The Solar Plexus is located above our navel and below our rib cage. The Solar Plexus stores our energy and is the centre of our personality and 'ego', our will-power and self-acceptance. It controls issues from the past as well as our ambitions and goals for success in the future.
It allows us to move forward in confidence and be ourselves.
Chakra 4 - Heart Chakra
This is representative of our Emotional body.
The Heart chakra is located in the centre of our chest. It is the centre of our being and balances the lower chakras with the upper chakras and allows us to identify and recognise our spiritual and physical selves. When in effect we can access our higher etheric selves and the upper chakras.
It is our healing centre and allows love, kindness and compassion to move through our life and provide it to others making them feel safe.
To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.
Chakra 5 - Throat Chakra
This is representative of our Soul/Celestial body.
This transcends us through the life to death cycle.
The Throat chakra is also our communication centre. It is our personal integrity and honour.
It is our centre of truth, our projection of command into the universe and an expression of what we think and feel, our communication, (singing, talking, communicating, or listening).
Note the importance of our 'centre of truth' in the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5), and their reward as lying wretches.
This chakra also allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked, it can affect the health of the other chakras.
Chakra 6 - Third Eye Chakra
This is representative of our Astral body.
The Third Eye chakra is located in the centre of our forehead. It is our centre of psychic ability and connects our energies beyond the physical.
It is linked to our Pineal Gland and connects us with our subconscious mind and higher realms, and oversees our dreamtime.
This chakra is also associated with our feeling, sensing and hearing abilities, and our learning, memory, telepathy, and ability to see the past and future and aura sensing.
When balanced, both the left side of the brain (logic and analysis), and the right side of the brain (creativity and synthetic thinking) work in harmony. The Third Eye is the seat of our conscience, sense of justice and ethics. When in balance, not only can we 'see' things for what they are, and what is really going on, but we also understand it.
Chakra 7 - Crown Chakra
This is representative of our Higher Self.
The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is referred to as The Sahaswara - The Thousand-Petal Lotus Chakra.
It can connect us with The I AM Presence. It is therefore imperative that you know who your God is without a shadow of a doubt.
It is also the giver and receiver of energy and consciousness, and connects us with the universe.
When our Crown chakra is aligned it is said that we connect with our higher purpose and anything is possible in our life including the manifestation of our dreams, a true connection with our Higher/Spiritual Self, and Enlightenment.
In addition to the seven chakras above are another six chakras which are located outside of the physical body in the etheric field.
The 13 Chakra system is a recent development of modern philosophies.
A brief description of the remaining six are as follows: -
Chakra 8 - Soul Star Chakra
This is representative of our Soul Star body.
The Soul Star Chakra is located about one inch above The Crown chakra and is our total soul realization. It accesses realms transcending space and time and enhances communication with enlightened beings existing beyond the physical realm.
Revelation 20:12-15 speaks of 'The Book of Life' where every man is judged according to his work, Enoch 47:3 also speaks of 'The Book of the Living', and this 13 chakra system speaks of The Akashic Records where everything that has happened, is happening and can happen is recorded and can be accessed via this chakra.
Based on the Buddhist theory as recorded by Alfred Percy Sinnett (1884), The Akashic Records "...are the individual records of a soul from the time it leaves its point of origin until its return. At the time we make the decision to experience life as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion, and action generated by that experience" (Journey to the Heart, 2011).
Chakra 9 - Spirit Chakra
This chakra is located about six inches above The Crown chakra.
When this chakra is activated, the full extent of our souls gifts and abilities are available for us to access, along with the realization of our expansive ability to create, empowered through our direct spiritual connection to 'The I AM Presence'.
Chakra 10 - Earth Star Chakra
This chakra is located about a foot and a half below the surface of the ground.
As we are manifested as physical beings on Earth, we are part of the universe by matter and consciousness and are connected to All That Is including the Earth's Core. This chakra aligns and connects us to 'the Earth's core' as well as the Earth's crystalline grid.
Chakra 11 - Universal Chakra
This chakra represents the universal aspects of our being. All That Is, is contained within one universal flow, and this chakra is the access point to that infinite flow of creation.
When this chakra is activated we feel in close alignment to the Universe and All That Is.
Chakra 12 - Galactic Chakra
This chakra is accessible through the hands and feet. When activated it allows for advanced spiritual skills, divine healing, balance and full access to the divinity of our soul.
This chakra allows all the blessings to flow through us down through our higher chakras, in through our Crown Chakra and down our spinal column to our Earth Star Chakra directly connecting to the light at the core of the Earth before flowing up in an unending loop of divine awakening, presence, growth and advancement.
Chakra 13 - Divine Gateway Chakra
This chakra centre is the Divine light portal and access to the exploration of other worlds and realms.
Full ascension, complete oneness with Divinity and full connection to the cosmos, other worlds, and beyond is attained in addition to becoming a stargate ourselves enabling peace, balance, and ascension to enter into humanity through us.
This chakra allows us to stretch beyond our common sphere of understanding into universal unity with All That Was, Is, and All That Is To Come.
It is said that it is the chakra of mastery of the soul’s purpose in human existence.