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Plato - c.428 - c.347 BCE 

As per Plato's account, Atlantis is another island lost to the flood. Plato (c.428 - c.347 BCE) informed, "...and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea".

According to Plato an Athenian Philosopher, he was told this story by his uncle Solon, who in turn had been told the story by the Egyptians. The beginning of the empire of Atlantis began with the human natives, a man named Evenor and his wife Leucippe. They lived in the mountains and had one daughter Cleito. When she grew up, her parents died. The god Poseidon then fell in love with her and they conceived five sets of twins. During the initial conception, Poseidon was said to have caused the earth to crumble enclosing Cleito on the mountain in the centre of Atlantis. No man was able to access that mountain as there were no ships or boats in that time, however, as Poiseidon was a god, he alone was able to manipulate the water to visit Cleito.



The outside of the temple was covered in silver, and the pinnacles in gold. Placed around the outside of the temple were golden statutes of the ten kings and their wives. Also inside the temple was a statue of gold of Poseidon on a chariot with six winged horses, and around him there were a hundred female sea nymphs riding on dolphins. The interior of the temple roof was ivory with gold, silver and orichalcum decoration, and the inner walls, pillars and floor were lined with orichalcum. Inscribed on a column in the temple were their laws as handed down by Poseidon, and an oath invoking mighty curses on the disobedient. 

Atlantis was divided into ten kingdoms with ten rulers. The 'King' over all of the 'rulers' was firstborn of the children, Atlas whom Atlantis and The Atlantic Ocean were named after. Atlantis ruled itself and several others countries forming a United Nation. Even when the Atlanteans were made to stand alone in battle against other countries, they were not defeated and liberated some of those who were in slavery. 

At the centre island of Atlantis was where the holy temple and palaces stood. The holy temple was dedicated to 'Cleito and Poiseidon'. It was surrounded by an enclosure of gold and was said to be the place where the five sets of twins were conceived. Annually, fruits were taken to the temple and sacrificed to Cleito and Poseidon. Poiseidon also had has his own temple.

One of these laws was that the 10 rulers were not to make war with each other, and if anyone tried to overthrow any of the royal houses, each of the 9 remaining rulers were to come to their aid. Atlas had supremacy over the other rulers, however he could not act against another ruler without the permission of the majority of the rulers. 


Plato stated that in the first instance, the island was mined for metals and stones. Gold and Orichalcum - gold-copper were the main treasures of their mining. Atlantis also had harbours and docks, and sea merchants would carry supplies in and out of the island in their ships. There were military services and a public affairs council. Carpenters were at work, and farmers maintained the tame animals although some were wild. The land had exercise yards for both humans and animals, sport included horseracing. The land was rich in livestock and food. Everyone and everything had enough to eat and a place to dwell.

The wealth of Atlantis was described as never being seen before by Kings or Rulers, nor is it likely that it would ever be seen again. Other countries took gifts to the island due to the greatness of the Atlantean empire.

Waterfalls from the mountains served various points of Atlantis, and the residue was channelled into the sea. The land was cultivated with fruit and vegetables, those who lived there ate and drank well and were even accustomed to having rich deserts after their meals. Atlantis was wondrous in their infinite abundance of pleasantries. There was sanitary facilities including running water, warm baths from the hot springs for individuals to cleanse themselves. The livestock were also catered for with baths. They were not a wasteful nation as the water from the baths was then used to water the trees and plants around Atlantis.

Plato stated the Atlanteans did not define themselves by their possessions, nor did they allow their wealth to cloud their judgments. They knew that their wealth would expand with good relations with one another. However, as time passed these behaviours changed and they became greedy or selfish. Zeus, the god of gods, saw this and sought to punish them. 

Plato "...and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea". 

Atlantis was destroyed in 'The Flood/Deluge'. 

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