What does it mean to 'reincarnate'? Where does one incarnate from? Where is the beginning of the cycle? Where does it end?
The main gods of the Hindu religion are 'Brahma - The Creator', 'Vishnu - The Preserver', and 'Shiva - The Destroyer'. The Vedic Texts are the Hindu's sacred text.
Hindus believe Creation starts when individual souls become separated from The Source (Brahman). The soul falls from heaven in the rain and is either absorbed by a tree or plant which is then consumed by an animal or human. If the tree or plant containing the soul is consumed by an animal, then the soul takes form in the animal. The soul then learns the various lessons of life in animal form. If the tree or plant is consumed by a human, or the animal is consumed by a human, the soul then becomes a sperm or an egg. The soul then learns the various lessons in human form.
When the animal or human body dies and returns to dust, the soul with the attached intelligence, ego and breath of the animal or human body, then goes on to an 'afterlife' (heaven - located in the moon where Brahman, celestial and immortal beings reside, or hell located in the 'depths' where evil demonic beings reside). Where the soul goes is dependent on their deeds in the life they have just led. Once new lessons have been learnt, the soul then returns to Earth and the cycle of 'birth - death - heaven/hell - re-birth' continues.
If you have previously read the page entitled 'Soul Search', then you can see the similarity between the teachings of Hinduism and the theory of Soul Search, i.e. Separation from The Source, and a soul descending to Earth. However, I do question the 'practicality' of Hinduism on the basis that: -
Sometimes the fruits of a tree or a plant go rotten and/or do not grow well. As such they are not consumed at all. What happens to the soul then as it wasn't eaten?
What happens when it rains into the sea? Does the soul float along until its consumed by sealife or does it find its way to the depths where the plant life is?
Consequent to the above two methods, a soul would have to descend to a specified location when it rained in order to be absorbed by a tree/plant that was consumable.
Sperm and eggs are not always fertilised, so what becomes of the soul then?
Many people claim they have memories of a past life and give fine details on things/events/places that they have never been too and yet are proven to be true. An 'awakened' Geneticist would say our DNA holds the information to all that has happened in the Universe, and will happen in the Universe (due to the loop), and we pass this knowledge on to our children, who in turn pass it on to their children. Therefore, these is a legacy of 'ancestral memories' passed down to us through our DNA from our ancestors.
An alternative theory is that those who are consciously connected to the Universe can re-member its past and present, and see its future. As such these people with memories of past lives have not necessarily lived a previous life as a plant/animal/human, rather they have 'RE-MEMBERED' the information of the Universe (put it back together again).