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"...for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die".  Genesis 2: 16-17.

After Lord God had finished creating The Earth he created Adam, the first human male. Adam was created in Lord God's own likeness and image. Lord God then planted a garden on The Earth, The Garden of Eden, and this was to be Adam's home. 

Eve, "...the mother of all living" (Genesis 3:20) was then created for Adam - the perfect couple. Adam and Eve were therefore the first humans, on Earth.


Genesis 2:5-10.

The Earth's eco-system was pure, it never rained but a 'mist' replenished the earth. There were rivers and lakes, and luscious fruit and vegetation provided for Adam and Eve to eat. Their lifestyle was 'perfect and simple' to say the least. They walked and talked with Lord God, had a wonderous home in which to live as this was no ordinary Garden. This was created first hand by Lord God and contained every living creature, animal, fruit, vegetation, plant, tree and sights of nature imaginable. Adam was given the privilege of naming each animal (Genesis 2:19). Neither Adam and Eve, nor the animals, birds etc wanted for anything. With only one simple rule to live by, which was not to eat from 'The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil', Adam and Eve's purpose was to procreate and tend to The Garden of Eden, with charge over every other living thing.

9. "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil".

Genesis 2:16-17; 22

16-17. "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die". So when was 'Death' created? Death was already in existence when Adam was created but The Tree of Life counteracted the 'aging process and death' giving Adam and Eve immortality.

Hence Genesis 22. "And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us (The Trinity), to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever": Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden...".

This meant that to sin brought death. Knowing what sin is does not bring death, it is the act of sin that brings death. So, let's elaborate on this 'sin' that stripped Adam and Eve of their immortality, their home, their future, their consciousness, and cursed the rest of mankind that was yet to come.

Note that 'Life' comes before 'Death'. Therefore, and to ensure 'the balance' (good and evil), was maintained, The Tree of Life, and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil were also in The Garden of Eden. By putting Adam and Eve in The Garden with both trees, Lord God had given them 'free-will' to obey and live, or not obey Lord God and die.

When Eve, then Adam ate from 'The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil', their consciousness and perceptions almost immediately became distorted as The Bible states they saw that they were 'naked' and were 'ashamed'. So they made coverings for themselves from fig leaves (Genesis 3:7). When they heard Lord God walking in The Garden calling on them, they tried to hide amongst the trees. Lord God then spoke to Adam and Eve who admitted what they had done and told Lord God they were ashamed that they were naked.

Lord God's first question to them was, "WHO told thee that thou wast naked", followed by, "Hast thou eaten of the tree?...". Therefore, in order for Adam and Eve to have become aware that they were naked it had to involve either a third party telling/showing them that they were naked, or eating from the forbidden tree. In this case, the traditional view is, it was the latter.

So let's put this into context: -

- Adam and Eve are standing there now feeling ashamed because they can see that they are naked (save the fig leaves);

- Eve is cursed to a multiplied sorrow and a conception that is to be multiplied, that was never meant to happen, and to being 'ruled over' by Adam;

- Adam is cursed to a life of toiling the earth to provide for himself and Eve;

- the serpent is cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field for tempting Eve, and Lord God put enmity (strife) between the serpent and its seed, and Eve and her seed;

- Both Adam and Eve were no longer allowed to eat from The Tree of Life and were homeless having been evicted from Eden forever, consequently being unable to commune, fellowship and walk and talk with Lord God as they once had;

So what is this 'serpent seed', how is strife then put between the serpent's seed and Eve's seed, and what was 'the sorrow and the conception' that was to be multiplied?


Before Adam and Eve had to leave The Garden. Lord God gave them coats of skin (Genesis 3:21; Job: 10:11). Lord God placed Cherubim (who have four faces to see every direction and four wings - Ezekiel 10:14)) with a flaming sword at the east of The Garden to guard against gaining access to 'The Tree of Life'. Adam and Eve no doubt tried to return to 'The Garden of Eden' knowing nothing else. The Garden that they had sustained, whilst it sustained them was no longer accessible. They had to continue their lives outside of it. 

Cain & Abel


Using just the account of events in The Bible, I immediately come to question how 'odd' it was that Cain was familiar with the concept of murder as a method of 'revenge' against Abel. If it was due to 'The Social Learning Theory' (Bandura, 1963), who taught him that? 

Secondly, when Lord God was cursing Cain, Cain said " shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me". In response, Lord God said, "Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him" (Genesis 4:14-15). So who else on Earth was there to kill Cain? Lord God's angels wouldn't have killed him as Lord God had already passed his judgment on Cain. Adam and Eve were present, as were any other siblings we weren't told about (if any). However it is unlikely that Cain was referring to them as in this context this would indicate they would have been looking for Cain to seek 'revenge'. Highly unlikely again as Adam and Eve's primary objective was to return to The Garden. By avenging Abel this would have gone against Lord God's judgment on Cain and would be another act of disobedience towards Lord God. Neither Lord God nor Cain were talking about the animals killing Cain for food as they both refer to people i.e. 'whosoever', and 'everyone'.   

There is no reference to any others on planet Earth at this point besides Adam, Eve and Cain. So who was Cain referring to? Who would Cain be a fugitive from? Also, if someone did come across Cain, why would they then kill him, as so far, Abel was the only person who had experienced death on the Earth.

When Cain was banished, he went to live in The Land of Nod. The Bible and Jasher do not give an account of who Cain's wife was. The Bible does state Cain had a child Fnoch who built a city named Enoch, after his son Enoch. Enoch had Irad who had Mehujael who had Methusael who had Lamech who had Jubal. Jubal was the chief musician (Genesis 4:21). Jubal had Tubal-cain who was an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron (Genesis 4:22). Meanwhile, Adam and Eve had Seth and he had children, and his children had children, and so on (Genesis 4:25). Cain was still alive at this point in time as whilst Tubal-cain was still young, Cain was accidently killed by Lamech. 

Whilst Cain was out walking in the fields, Lamech and Tubal-cain saw him and thought he was an animal. Lamech shot him with an arrow and Cain died. When Lamech and Tubal-cain saw that it was Cain that Lamech killed, Lamech 'clapped his hands' and in doing so struck his son Tubal-cain who was also killed (Jasher 2: 27-31. So it came to pass that Cain was slain, and the judgement of Lord God who had said "...whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold" (Genesis 4:15) was fulfilled. Lamech paid with the life of his son (Tubal-cain) at his own hand, and his son - Tubal-cain paid with his life.

Click here for another's thoughts into Cain's hatred for Abel and why Cain chose the 'dark side'.

The Bible states that 'the serpent' was the one responsible for 'tempting' Eve with the fruit of 'The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. "Now, the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field....And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" (Genesis 3:1). The 'traditional' view is that Lucifer who had since been cast out of heaven due to his desire to overthrow God, then commenced his first attack on mankind. He appeared as the serpent to Eve and told her, ' shall be as gods, knowing good and evil if you eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. Lord God had already told Adam that he was not to eat of this tree in Genesis 2:16-17 "...for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die". Lucifer who had fallen from heaven due to his desire to be above God, then tempted Eve with the same desire that resulted in his fall - to be as gods. Nonetheless, Eve took the fruit from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and ate it and then gave some to Adam, and he also ate of the fruit.

The Serpent

Eve became pregnant with Cain and she later had another son named Abel. Cain was a tiller of the ground and Abel a sheep herder. Cain was jealous of Abel as Cain had provided a sacrifice to Lord God from the ground he had worked which Lord God did not accept. According to Hebrews 11:4 and Jasher 1:16, this was because Abel was faithful to Lord God, providing the firstling of his flock and the fat, whilst Cain had taken the scraps of his crop and given them as a sacrifice to Lord God. Cain eventually killed his brother Abel whilst out in the fields. For the murder of his brother, Cain was then cursed by Lord God to be a 'vagabond and a fugitive' and was banished from his homeland.

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