In March 2011 in the quiet village of Dulali, Nigeria, a floating city came out of the sky and was witnessed by hundreds of villagers. According to Nigeria National News, one villager, Mallam Shehu Liman, saw the bright light in the sky that was moving towards the village and stated, "As it came closer, you could see buildings and towers. The giant floating city appeared out of nowhere, the entire city was surrounded by a thin cloud, it flew very close to the ground".
Through this “cloud” witnesses claimed to have seen beautiful large buildings, towers and heard the sound of machines originating from the city. "Exactly two weeks after the floating city appeared in our village, the flying object came again and remained floating in the sky wandering over the town for nearly an hour before disappearing again".
The Ascension Temple of Serapis Bey (The Great White Brotherhood), is located less than 2k air miles away above Luxor, Egypt. Nada's retreat (The Great White Brotherhood) is just over 2.6k air miles away in The Arabian Desert.
On 7 October 2015 - Foshan, China, a 'floating city' (seen on this hyperlink) was observed by thousands of on-lookers and videoed. Foshan is around 1,442 air miles from The Gobi Desert (where The Great White Brotherhood claim Shamballa is located), and just under 2.5k air miles from Sri Lanka, where The Great White Brotherhood claim The Maha Chohan's Etheric Retreat is located.
On 14 January 2017, at Qianmu Lake in Yueyang, Southern China, another floating city was sighted and can be seen on this hyperlink.
Conspiracy Theorists have expressed these sightings are part of "...a secret government hologram experiment, known by conspiracy theorists as Project Bluebeam - an alleged plot to create a fake second coming to exhort more control over the masses, or even connected to aliens". In other words, a fake alien invasion.
Qianmu Lake in Yueyang, Southern China